Tournament TeraMax Playtesting Tournament [Won by lavarina!]


Sugar, Spice and One For All
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
Approved by DuoM2, OP SHAMELESSLY copied from ViZar

Gen 9 TeraMax Playtest Tournament
Host: G-Luke

Welcome to the playtest tournament for TeraMax! With us being halfway through with Phase 2, now is a perfect time to play with the meta and balance it for the remaining slates to come. The major goal of the tour is to get people to play the meta, balance it and get resources.

TeraMax is A Gen 9 based metagame focused around rebalancing Dynamax AND Terastilization to fit within an OU construct. This metagame's starting point will be a combination of the base regional dex of Generation 8 and 9. It will have several different phases dealing with different aspects of the metagame.

Resources for TeraMax:
- Thread
- Spreadsheet
- Discord

Tournament Specific Rules:
- All general rules apply. Click here for guidelines about scheduling matches.
- Matches are Best of 3, which means that the first person to win two games wins the set and moves on in the tournament.
- Matches are to be played in the New Dragon Heaven Server. It is very highly recommended that you use the Dragon Heaven client, which makes teambuilding and battling much easier. Said client is linked above.
- Replays are mandatory. It's highly recommended that you download the replay, to ensure that we have enough data to go off from.
- This is a single elimination tournament.

Sample Teams are posted in the thread, and even more teams are posted in the teambuilding discord chat, if you need to grab a quick build and can't make something yourself. Just remember, if you can do it, so can your opponent!

Small disclaimers
- Some G-Max moves may showcase different BPs than what they are registered (G-Max Chi Strike might show off Max Knuckle BP.). DW, this is only a visual error.
- Chi-Yu's Beads of Ruin may still show the SpDef of all targets are lowered, this is just a visual bug, it works as intended.
- Snorlax's G-Max move is currently not able to prodcue it's primary effect (generating Sitrus Berries).
- A general reminder, PLEASE ensure that you enter the G-Max variant of a Pokemon in teambuilder if that is your intent! We don't want a common rookie mistake of accidentally loading a DMax instead of a G-Max that could cost you the game.

Sign-Ups will be open for a week, then the tournament will start. You can join by simply replying to this thread with "in" or some variation. Have fun everyone!
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Bro I literally said weekend be quiet and play today (I also got no response to this)
in all honesty, conversations should be banned for making scheduling and the walls of either person should be used for that
on a more personal thing, I will play my opponent in 2 hours, forgot to mentioned I contacted them :thumbsup:
Calling act on bossaru because I show up at the planned time for about 17 mins with no response, I get the response and wait longer while online, and they say they gotta gtg and call act :v4: (On bossarus board)
Calling act on bossaru because I show up at the planned time for about 17 mins with no response, I get the response and wait longer while online, and they say they gotta gtg and call act :v4: (On bossarus board)
my dude, u were not on, and u didn't dm me..........................................can get exc