Multifaction Recruitment Mafia - Night 13 (Deadline: 17/01 10:00pm GMT/5:00pm EST)


it has been stated by the host multiple times including in the op: "The game starts with 1 player each on the Fire, Grass, and Water Factions. The other 58 players are recruitable freelance mercenaries who have the win condition: You are a freelance mercenary. You win if there are only freelance mercenaries alive at the end of the game."

and now you're gonna throw Lrr under the bus as "might be wolf?"

you are absolutely PREYING on these newer players who have no experience with this kind of OC game. sick, twisted, whack.

what 'remorse' do i have?

i am a FL and i am not committing to a team until things shake out. i encourage everyone who feels comfortable playing that way to do the same to increase your odds of winning. i'm not gonna have you blatantly spewing slants in this thread. you've been recruited, or heck, you started as a recruiter. FLS STOP TALKING TO AGAPE IMMEDIATELY if he wasn't fearmongering he wouldn't make ludicrous claims like "might be a wolf" in a no-neut game.

yeah but you know hosts lying to players about woves is a tradition in smogon oc mafia

to the point that in ycim mekkah almost convinced the game that the cohost were a wolf (shame that turned out false)

maybe you are wolf instead, hm?

I’m not a recruiter/recruited but I am willing to lead a dirty lynch and live with the shame that others, like you, don’t want to bear

if you were inside the decentralized alliance you’d know that I haven’t asked for any info, the mechanisms of interaction are anonymous and safe

expect to have the decentralized faction’s N1 results publicly revealed after this lynch (members of the group can see them before that)

factions are at 4 members max at this point according to some recruiter’s post on discord btw, so one or two cycles until freelancers are a minority and FL cooperation will cease

until then I offer you my scapegoat services and will take the blame and flame for leading these early lynches
my brothers, sisters, and siblings in christ

i encourage you to also challenge agape so he can call you, too, a wolf, as that seems to be his favorite attempt to divert attention from himself. let's see how many people he will do it to in the absence of a reasonable argument.
if | if |
1 (introducing a conditional clause) on the condition or supposition that; in the event that: if you have a complaint, write to the director | if you like I'll put in a word for you.
• (with past tense) introducing a hypothetical situation: if you had stayed, this would never have happened.
• whenever; every time: if I go out she gets nasty.
2 despite the possibility that; no matter whether: if it takes me seven years, I shall do it.
3 (often used in indirect questions) whether: he asked if we would like some coffee | see if you can track it down.
4 [with modal] expressing a polite request: if you wouldn't mind giving him a message? | if I could trouble you for your names?
5 expressing an opinion: that's an awfully long walk, if you don't mind my saying so | if you ask me, he's in love.
6 expressing surprise or regret: well, if it isn't Frank! | if I could just be left alone.
7 (with implied reservation) and perhaps not: the new leaders have little if any control.
• used to admit something as being possible but regarded as relatively insignificant: if there was any weakness, it was naiveté | so what if he did?
• despite being (used before an adjective or adverb to introduce a contrast): she was honest, if a little brutal.
a condition or supposition: there are so many ifs and buts in the policy.
I’m not a recruiter/recruited but I am willing to lead a dirty lynch and live with the shame that others, like you, don’t want to bear
The main priority for recruiters earlygame is to get info, normally that would be through info roles, but I think someone who was flexing about getting lots of claims for free would be a high priority target. So if that's the case, you either got recruited already (in which case lynching you will reveal the faction that did, allowing the rest of us to team up against the biggest threat) or you are next on the list (in which case we prevent a faction from gaining the info you hoarded, since you would not offer it to anyone without a confirmed recruitment first, thus voting you off early would prevent a team from getting a possible easy info advantage.)
The main priority for recruiters earlygame is to get info, normally that would be through info roles, but I think someone who was flexing about getting lots of claims for free would be a high priority target. So if that's the case, you either got recruited already (in which case lynching you will reveal the faction that did, allowing the rest of us to team up against the biggest threat) or you are next on the list (in which case we prevent a faction from gaining the info you hoarded, since you would not offer it to anyone without a confirmed recruitment first, thus voting you off early would prevent a team from getting a possible easy info advantage.)

Your thinking is otherwise valid, but you’re thinking from a perspective of mafia teams instead of freelancers.

From freelancer perspective the winning earlygame play is to get recruited ASAP to avoid dying unrecruited. To achieve that, freelancers must be lynched for the first few cycles.

Therefore your valid analysis that I’m a probable non-freelancer is actually an argument to not lynch me at this point. Instead, a freelancer ought to be lynched, like Lrr who publicly claimed Graveler and a role that dies when recruited (Explosion). That is either the most freelancer role possible or a fakeclaim.

So, I succumb to the moral outrage and Unvote, Vote Lrr

but I’ll change back if suitable numbers won’t show up
Your thinking is otherwise valid, but you’re thinking from a perspective of mafia teams instead of freelancers.

From freelancer perspective the winning earlygame play is to get recruited ASAP to avoid dying unrecruited. To achieve that, freelancers must be lynched for the first few cycles.

Therefore your valid analysis that I’m a probable non-freelancer is actually an argument to not lynch me at this point. Instead, a freelancer ought to be lynched, like Lrr who publicly claimed Graveler and a role that dies when recruited (Explosion). That is either the most freelancer role possible or a fakeclaim.

So, I succumb to the moral outrage and Unvote, Vote Lrr

but I’ll change back if suitable numbers won’t show up
But in this game, it's possible to win as an FL if only FL's are remaining:
You are a freelance mercenary. You win if there are only freelance mercenaries alive at the end of the game.