Multifaction Recruitment Mafia - Night 13 (Deadline: 17/01 10:00pm GMT/5:00pm EST)

A mysterious voice suddenly announces,
You all wake up to see two bodies this morning. A better? result than last day, to be sure.

Drookez was strangled to death with grass.
Dear Drookez,

You are Cloyster, the Clamper.

Well known for spamming the mighty move known as Clamp in RBY, you are capable of blocking any Pokemon caught in your clutches from performing their action, night kill included. During the Night, you can PM the host with Night X - Clamp Player, and that player will be roleblocked for actions slower than you and prevented from killing. Speed tier: 83.

You are a freelance mercenary. You win if there are only freelance mercenaries alive at the end of the game.

LonelyNess had been drowned to death.
Dear LonelyNess,

You are Runerigus, the Role Swapper.

You are known for your special niche, the unique ability Wandering Spirit. During the Night, you may PM the host with Night X - Wandering Spirit Player, and you and that player will PERMANENTLY exchange abilities. This ability will fail if you target a player who has a limited use ability. Speed tier: 1.

You are a freelance mercenary. You win if there are only freelance mercenaries alive at the end of the game.

At the request of all 3 factions, to speed up the game and get more freelancers involved, starting on Cycle 4, this cycle, all factions will be recruiting 2 times per cycle, for both day and night. Additionally, night phases will be 24 hours as well by their mutual agreement.

It is now Day 4. Deadline: 12/30/23, 11:30PM EST/4:30AM UTC (24 hour cycle).
Dear Fellow Mafia Players,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing with a heavy heart and a deep sense of regret to offer my sincere apologies for a grave error that occurred during our Mafia game. I acknowledge and take full responsibility for mistakenly directing the group's actions, leading to the elimination of an innocent player. I am truly sorry for the frustration and disappointment this may have caused, and I understand the gravity of my mistake.

In the midst of the intricate web of deceit and strategy that characterizes our Mafia games, I failed in my responsibility to accurately assess the situation and provide reliable information. The unintended consequence was the unjust elimination of a fellow player, and for that, I am profoundly sorry. I recognize the importance of trust in our gaming community, and I deeply regret any harm to that trust resulting from my actions.

I want to assure each of you that my intentions were never malicious, and the mistake was born out of a lapse in judgment rather than any ill will. I appreciate the camaraderie we share during these games, and I am devastated that my actions may have marred the experience for some. Moving forward, I am committed to learning from this experience, improving my discernment, and avoiding similar errors in future cycles.

To the player who was mistakenly eliminated, I extend my sincerest apologies. I understand the impact this may have had on your enjoyment of the game, and I want to assure you that it was never my intention to single you out unfairly. I hope that in the spirit of friendly competition, we can move past this incident and continue to enjoy the game together.

In an effort to rectify the situation, I am open to any suggestions or measures the group deems appropriate. Whether that involves additional precautions to prevent such mistakes or any other collective decision, I am committed to making amends and rebuilding the trust that may have been compromised.

Once again, I apologize to the entire group and the player affected for the distress caused by my error. I value the camaraderie we share in our Mafia game, and I am determined to ensure that such a mistake does not happen again. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope we can move forward with a renewed commitment to fair play and enjoyment.


Dear Fellow Mafia Players,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing with a heavy heart and a deep sense of regret to offer my sincere apologies for a grave error that occurred during our Mafia game. I acknowledge and take full responsibility for mistakenly directing the group's actions, leading to the elimination of an innocent player. I am truly sorry for the frustration and disappointment this may have caused, and I understand the gravity of my mistake.

In the midst of the intricate web of deceit and strategy that characterizes our Mafia games, I failed in my responsibility to accurately assess the situation and provide reliable information. The unintended consequence was the unjust elimination of a fellow player, and for that, I am profoundly sorry. I recognize the importance of trust in our gaming community, and I deeply regret any harm to that trust resulting from my actions.

I want to assure each of you that my intentions were never malicious, and the mistake was born out of a lapse in judgment rather than any ill will. I appreciate the camaraderie we share during these games, and I am devastated that my actions may have marred the experience for some. Moving forward, I am committed to learning from this experience, improving my discernment, and avoiding similar errors in future cycles.

To the player who was mistakenly eliminated, I extend my sincerest apologies. I understand the impact this may have had on your enjoyment of the game, and I want to assure you that it was never my intention to single you out unfairly. I hope that in the spirit of friendly competition, we can move past this incident and continue to enjoy the game together.

In an effort to rectify the situation, I am open to any suggestions or measures the group deems appropriate. Whether that involves additional precautions to prevent such mistakes or any other collective decision, I am committed to making amends and rebuilding the trust that may have been compromised.

Once again, I apologize to the entire group and the player affected for the distress caused by my error. I value the camaraderie we share in our Mafia game, and I am determined to ensure that such a mistake does not happen again. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope we can move forward with a renewed commitment to fair play and enjoyment.


Can someone translate this to legible
Dear Fellow Mafia Players,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing with a heavy heart and a deep sense of regret to offer my sincere apologies for a grave error that occurred during our Mafia game. I acknowledge and take full responsibility for mistakenly directing the group's actions, leading to the elimination of an innocent player. I am truly sorry for the frustration and disappointment this may have caused, and I understand the gravity of my mistake.

In the midst of the intricate web of deceit and strategy that characterizes our Mafia games, I failed in my responsibility to accurately assess the situation and provide reliable information. The unintended consequence was the unjust elimination of a fellow player, and for that, I am profoundly sorry. I recognize the importance of trust in our gaming community, and I deeply regret any harm to that trust resulting from my actions.

I want to assure each of you that my intentions were never malicious, and the mistake was born out of a lapse in judgment rather than any ill will. I appreciate the camaraderie we share during these games, and I am devastated that my actions may have marred the experience for some. Moving forward, I am committed to learning from this experience, improving my discernment, and avoiding similar errors in future cycles.

To the player who was mistakenly eliminated, I extend my sincerest apologies. I understand the impact this may have had on your enjoyment of the game, and I want to assure you that it was never my intention to single you out unfairly. I hope that in the spirit of friendly competition, we can move past this incident and continue to enjoy the game together.

In an effort to rectify the situation, I am open to any suggestions or measures the group deems appropriate. Whether that involves additional precautions to prevent such mistakes or any other collective decision, I am committed to making amends and rebuilding the trust that may have been compromised.

Once again, I apologize to the entire group and the player affected for the distress caused by my error. I value the camaraderie we share in our Mafia game, and I am determined to ensure that such a mistake does not happen again. Thank you for your understanding, and I hope we can move forward with a renewed commitment to fair play and enjoyment.


ok great

vote former

im so BORED
Attention all,

Clouds has been inspected as a solo werewolf whose win condition is to be the last one alive. He has a 2x BPV, 1xLPV and permanently copies the dead's abilities for himself (all 1x shots are converted into unlimited abilities).

US, Former. I know our factions have been at war throughout the entire game but in order to restore peace to the Smogon community, please vote Clouds for today.

vote Clouds