Multifaction Recruitment Mafia - Night 13 (Deadline: 17/01 10:00pm GMT/5:00pm EST)

at the moment, water team has the least numbers, making fire team the strongest team in the game. at this stage, it is still POSSIBLE to get recruited to water. freelancers SHOULD play to weaken the strongest team NOW to get the overall best win chance.
i'm not here to play by the book. i'm here to cause as much trouble as possible, as it is my unofficial job. quit trying to bully us into what you want.
vote unclesam
@grassteam if you go through with turboing water team, fire team will win. Former i hope you realize that any other grass recruits should know as well. internet is recruited as well. if you are grass STOP listening to sam. every faction should be playing for themselves. a grass/fire relationship benefits the fire team late game and i cant believe its not so obvious. BREAK YOUR DUMB ALLIANCE AND PLAY FOR YOURSELVES
Do you think maybe Former has a better idea of what Grass should be doing than you do

Anyway I'm not going to respond to Water trolls much, but most of these people are just Water trying to save DLE
Do you think maybe Former has a better idea of what Grass should be doing than you do

Anyway I'm not going to respond to Water trolls much, but most of these people are just Water trying to save DLE
i'm not water. i'm solo and if you wanted to, you could recruit me right now. you could! i told you that if you recruit me, i'll tell you all i know.
Vote count as of post 708:

Recruitment: it has the highest action priority in the game, Speed Tier 100, and the recruitment action cannot be tampered with in any way. The power to recruit can be passed down if the faction leader is killed. Recruiting to a team cannot be rejected by a mercenary. If 2 different teams try to recruit the same mercenary, priority will take place in the order of Fire > Grass > Water > Fire. If all 3 teams try to recruit the same mercenary, the recruit will fail. If a team tries to recruit a user who is not a mercenary, the recruit will fail, so beware who you are trying to recruit! You'll fall behind the other teams if you recruit the wrong person! Kill priority will also work on the same priority system if two opposing team members try to kill each other. Additionally, if an attempt is made to recruit an individual and the recruitment fails, the user will be informed that someone attempted to recruit them.
Speed: All night actions come with a listed Speed Tier. Night actions will be resolved first in the order of highest to lowest, from 100 down to 1. If two different factions are using the exact same action, priority will once again take place in the order of Fire > Grass > Water > Fire.
grass team please read
Some of yall have very strong opinions and insights about what's going on in Grass while claiming to be unrecruited and uninformed lol

If you're a FL do what feels right for you and bear in mind a lot of loud voices claiming to still be unaffiliated are going to be increasingly affiliated every cycle.
Some of yall have very strong opinions and insights about what's going on in Grass while claiming to be unrecruited and uninformed lol

If you're a FL do what feels right for you and bear in mind a lot of loud voices claiming to still be unaffiliated are going to be increasingly affiliated every cycle.
Some of yall have very strong opinions and insights about what's going on in Grass while claiming to be unrecruited and uninformed lol

If you're a FL do what feels right for you and bear in mind a lot of loud voices claiming to still be unaffiliated are going to be increasingly affiliated every cycle.
quit talkin like that unless you're a fire recruit