Doubles DPP DOU Swiss Round 2

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Thanks to Bummer for the logo!

:rs/latias: Welcome to the DPP DOU Swiss Tournament! :rs/metagross:
Part of the DOU Oldgens Circuit, hosted by Actuarily

Tournament rules:
  • This tournament will follow a hybrid format. Each player will participate in three rounds of Swiss. After the conclusion of the Swiss rounds, all players with a 1-2 record or better will move on to a single elimination bracket.
  • All rounds will be best of 3. You may switch teams between games.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown, on either the main server or the Smogtours server.
  • To encourage metagame development, prevent disputed results, and ensure an even playing field, replays are required for all matches.
  • Activity calls will be made by one or both of the tournament hosts, potentially with neutral assistance from a Doubles OU Forum Moderator. Coin flips will be done publicly on PS.
  • In the event that something is added to or removed from the DPP DOU metagame in the middle of a round, that change will be in effect starting the next round.
  • Do not cheat. Cheating will result in a disqualification. Additional punishments may be applied as necessary. Cheating includes, but is not limited to:
    • Signing up with more than one account
    • Ghosting or being ghosted by another player (e.g. while playing a set, asking for advice about what team to bring or what plays to make)
    • Manipulating match outcomes (e.g. throwing a match in exchange for Smogon likes)
  • Do not harass or insult your opponents. We reserve the right to disqualify anyone breaking this rule. Additional punishments may be applied as necessary.

You can find the DPP DOU thread here.

  • Species Clause: Players cannot use two Pokemon with the same Pokedex number on the same team.
  • Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep.
  • OHKO Clause: Players cannot use the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold.
  • Evasion Clause: Players cannot use the moves Double Team or Minimize.
Pokemon Restrictions
Players cannot use the following Pokemon:
  • Arceus
  • Darkrai
  • Deoxys (all forms)
  • Dialga
  • Garchomp
  • Giratina
  • Groudon
  • Ho-Oh
  • Kyogre
  • Latios
  • Lugia
  • Mewtwo
  • Palkia
  • Rayquaza
  • Shaymin-Sky
Move Restrictions
Players cannot use the following moves:
  • Dark Void
Item Restrictions
Players cannot use the following items:
  • Soul Dew
  • Brightpowder
  • Lax Incense
Ability Restrictions
Players cannot use the following abilities:
  • Sand Veil
  • Snow Cloak
How to schedule. <—- PLEASE READ


zee  vs  JRL
Penter  vs  Actuarily
Fritz420  vs  Hugo
Bless  vs  charmdi
txitxas  vs  sir jelloton
Lhions  vs  Banbadoro
Xalvadore  vs  Smudge
DaAwesomeDude1  vs  For 4LOM
Winner of (AIRedzone vs bage1) vs Winner of (havocknight vs Staraptor)

RL  vs  qsns
Akaru Kokuyo  vs  sundays
GasaiYunoSan  vs  Farfromani
zaydapoketrainer  vs  Ado!
yuki  vs  temp
Cao Jie  vs  laptops
MADARAAAA  vs  Amaranth
LuBiStar20  vs  Mizuhime
Loser of (AIRedzone vs bage1) vs Loser of (havocknight vs Staraptor)

Please note that replays are required!

The deadline for this round will be Sunday, February 11th at 10:00PM GMT -5.
Round 2 has concluded! Activity calls below. If there are any discrepancies please let me know ASAP!

qsns vs RL - no public attempts at scheduling, game will be flipped.

GasaiYunoSan vs Farfromani - Farfromani has put on their wall that they are allowing activity calls against them, Gasaiyunosan wins on activity.

Cao Jie vs laptops - No public attempts at scheduling, game will be flipped:

Round 3 to follow shortly!
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