National Dex Offensive QD Volcarona [QC: 1/1] [GP: 1/1]

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name: Offensive Quiver Dance
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Giga Drain
move 4: Hidden Power Ground
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Flame Body
nature: Timid
tera type: Grass / Ground
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Volcarona is a highly threatening sweeper that can end the game on the spot if given the opportunity to set up a Quiver Dance while being able to force out major threats to the hyper offense teams that it finds itself on such as Swords Dance Mega Scizor. Flamethrower is Volcarona's Fire-type STAB move of choice thanks to its decent Base Power and consistent damage output, although Fire Blast can be used for the extra power, allowing Volcarona to notably have a very high chance to OHKO defensive Landorus-T and Tapu Lele after Stealth Rock and OHKO Gliscor after one Quiver Dance, while Flamethrower cannot. Giga Drain provides good coverage alongside Volcarona's Fire STAB move, allowing it to hit Water-types such as Alomomola and potentially forcing them to Terastallize. Finally, Hidden Power Ground allows Volcarona to hit unexpecting Heatran, which would otherwise be a hard counter to this set. Flame Body allows it to punish careless contact moves from Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny, Landorus-T, non-Protective Pads Meowscarada, and Mega Scizor. Tera Grass powers up Giga Drain while turning Volcarona's Water weakness into a resistance, allowing it to safely take on threats such as Ogerpon-W and Choice Scarf Urshifu-R. Alternatively, Tera Ground allows Volcarona to dodge revenge killing attempts from the likes of Iron Boulder while powering up Hidden Power Ground to let it potentially OHKO Gouging Fire at +1. Due to Volcarona's high threat level, common attempts to check it involve using Terastallization on a defensive Pokemon, such as Heatran or Alomomola; as such, partners like Raging Bolt and Kyurem appreciate Volcarona forcing those Pokemon to Terastallize. Grass-types like Serperior are also great partners, as they can bait in Heatran for Volcarona while being able to switch in situationally on Water-types like Ogerpon-W and Choice Scarf Urshifu-R that threaten it out. Serperior can also force progress with Glare on threats like Gouging Fire or setting up with Leaf Storm while chipping checks like Raging Bolt. Dual screens setters like Grimmsnarl are also good teammates to allow Volcarona to set up far more easily and win games quickly.

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name: Offensive Quiver Dance
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Giga Drain
move 4: Hidden Power [Ground]
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Flame Body
nature: Timid
tera type: Grass / Ground
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Volcarona is a highly threatening sweeper that can end the game on the spot if given the opportunity to set up a Quiver Dance. this doesn't tell me much besides "it is Threatening"; go further into what it can force out for ho teams as a result of its typing and then talk about how it can use those switches as setup opportunities Flamethrower is Volcarona's Fire STAB move of choice, why? although Fire Blast can be used for the extra power, allowing Volcarona to notably have a very high chance to OHKO defensive Landorus-T after Stealth Rock, while OHKOing Great Tusk and Darkrai after one Quiver Dance (while Flamethrower cannot). this aren't really notable seeing as how giga isn't slashed + darkrai flops to you anyways unless its hypnosis, and it still has to land it to give its team a shot at getting rid of volc. the more notable calcs are an ohko vs lele after rocks and glisc, list those instead Giga Drain provides good coverage alongside Volcarona's Fire STAB move, allowing it to hit Water-types such as [examples here]. mola is a good one, also mention forcing them to potentially terastallize Finally, HP Ground allows Volcarona to hit unexpecting Heatran, which would otherwise be a hard counter to this set. Flame Body allows it to punish careless contact moves from Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny, Landorus-T, Meowscarada, specify non pads meow here and Mega Scizor. Tera Grass powers up Giga Drain while turning Volcarona's Water weakness into a resistance, allowing it to safely take on threats such as Ogerpon-Wellspring and Choice Scarf Urshifu-R. Alternatively, Tera Ground allows Volcarona to dodge revenge killing attempts from the likes of Iron Boulder, while powering up HP Ground to let it potentially OHKO Gouging Fire at +1. Fairy-types such as Tapu Lele and Enamorus greatly appreciate Volcarona using Steel-types like Ferrothorn and Iron Crown as setup fodder, while they eliminate Dragon-types such as Garchomp that could otherwise take Volcarona on. a lot of these examples are based off the fact that people will keep their non-heatran steel type in against a volc or a dragon on a fairy; not gonna happen unless they have to tera but they have to be in such a bad spot atp. i'd rather have you mention partners that appreciate volc forcing mons like heatran and mola to terastallize and mons that often bait in checks like chomp and spdef pex Grass-types like Choice Scarf Kartana also appreciate Volcarona beating Steel-types - in exchange, they can threaten Water-types such as Choice Scarf Urshifu-R that can revenge kill Volcarona. this should be more specific to ho / offense bc not many ppl are rlly using scarf kart these days; serp is a better mention since it can also bait opposing heatran + can situationally switch in on stuff like ogerpon-w and glare / set up Screens setters like Grimmsnarl are also good teammates to allow Volcarona to set up far easier and win games quickly.

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i'd like another look before stamping this
name: Offensive Quiver Dance
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Giga Drain
move 4: Hidden Power [Ground]
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Flame Body
nature: Timid
tera type: Grass / Ground
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Volcarona is a highly threatening sweeper that can end the game on the spot if given the opportunity to set up a Quiver Dance, while being able to force out major threats to the hyper offensive teams that it finds itself on such as Swords Dance Mega Scizor. Flamethrower is Volcarona's Fire STAB move of choice thanks to its decent base power and consistent damage output, although Fire Blast can be used for the extra power, allowing Volcarona to notably have a very high chance to OHKO defensive Landorus-T and Tapu Lele after Stealth Rock, while OHKOing Gliscor after one Quiver Dance (while Flamethrower cannot). remove these parentheses, we can't use those Giga Drain provides good coverage alongside Volcarona's Fire STAB move, allowing it to hit Water-types such as Alomomola and potentially forcing it to Terastallize. Finally, HP Ground allows Volcarona to hit unexpecting Heatran, which would otherwise be a hard counter to this set. Flame Body allows it to punish careless contact moves from Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny, Landorus-T, non-Protective Pads Meowscarada, and Mega Scizor. Tera Grass powers up Giga Drain while turning Volcarona's Water weakness into a resistance, allowing it to safely take on threats such as Ogerpon-Wellspring and Choice Scarf Urshifu-R. Alternatively, Tera Ground allows Volcarona to dodge revenge killing attempts from the likes of Iron Boulder, while powering up HP Ground to let it potentially OHKO Gouging Fire at +1. Due to Volcarona's high threat level, common attempts to check it involve using Terastallization on a defensive Pokemon, such as Heatran or Alomomola - as such, partners like Raging Bolt and Kyurem appreciate Volcarona forcing those Pokemon to Terastallize. Grass-types like Serperior are also great partners, as they can bait in Heatran for Volcarona while being able to switch in situationally on Water-types like Ogerpon-W and Choice Scarf Urshifu-R that threaten it out, and forcing progress with Glare or set up with Leaf Storm. mention serp specifically wearing down / glaring raging bolt and gouging fire for volc Screens setters like Grimmsnarl are also good teammates to allow Volcarona to set up far easier and win games quickly.

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name: Offensive Quiver Dance
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Giga Drain
move 4: Hidden Power [Ground]
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Flame Body
nature: Timid
tera type: Grass / Ground
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Volcarona is a highly threatening sweeper that can end the game on the spot if given the opportunity to set up a Quiver Dance, while being able to force out major threats to the hyper offensive teams that it finds itself on such as Swords Dance Mega Scizor. Flamethrower is Volcarona's Fire STAB move of choice thanks to its decent base power and consistent damage output, although Fire Blast can be used for the extra power, allowing Volcarona to notably have a very high chance to OHKO defensive Landorus-T and Tapu Lele after Stealth Rock, while OHKOing Gliscor after one Quiver Dance (while Flamethrower cannot). remove these parentheses, we can't use those Giga Drain provides good coverage alongside Volcarona's Fire STAB move, allowing it to hit Water-types such as Alomomola and potentially forcing it to Terastallize. Finally, HP Ground allows Volcarona to hit unexpecting Heatran, which would otherwise be a hard counter to this set. Flame Body allows it to punish careless contact moves from Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny, Landorus-T, non-Protective Pads Meowscarada, and Mega Scizor. Tera Grass powers up Giga Drain while turning Volcarona's Water weakness into a resistance, allowing it to safely take on threats such as Ogerpon-Wellspring and Choice Scarf Urshifu-R. Alternatively, Tera Ground allows Volcarona to dodge revenge killing attempts from the likes of Iron Boulder, while powering up HP Ground to let it potentially OHKO Gouging Fire at +1. Due to Volcarona's high threat level, common attempts to check it involve using Terastallization on a defensive Pokemon, such as Heatran or Alomomola - as such, partners like Raging Bolt and Kyurem appreciate Volcarona forcing those Pokemon to Terastallize. Grass-types like Serperior are also great partners, as they can bait in Heatran for Volcarona while being able to switch in situationally on Water-types like Ogerpon-W and Choice Scarf Urshifu-R that threaten it out, and forcing progress with Glare or set up with Leaf Storm. mention serp specifically wearing down / glaring raging bolt and gouging fire for volc Screens setters like Grimmsnarl are also good teammates to allow Volcarona to set up far easier and win games quickly.

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View attachment 601992

done, ty

GP Team
1/1 GP Team done

name: Offensive Quiver Dance
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Giga Drain
move 4: Hidden Power [Ground] Ground
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Flame Body
nature: Timid
tera type: Grass / Ground
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Volcarona is a highly threatening sweeper that can end the game on the spot if given the opportunity to set up a Quiver Dance (RC) while being able to force out major threats to the hyper offensive offense teams that it finds itself on such as Swords Dance Mega Scizor. Flamethrower is Volcarona's Fire Fire-type STAB move of choice thanks to its decent base power Base Power and consistent damage output, although Fire Blast can be used for the extra power, allowing Volcarona to notably have a very high chance to OHKO defensive Landorus-T and Tapu Lele after Stealth Rock (RC) while OHKOing and OHKO Gliscor after one Quiver Dance, (AC) while Flamethrower cannot. Giga Drain provides good coverage alongside Volcarona's Fire Fire-type STAB move, allowing it to hit Water-types such as Alomomola and potentially forcing it them (sentence referring to waters in general not just mola; if only mola, change them back to it and remove 'water-types like') to Terastallize. Finally, HP Hidden Power Ground allows Volcarona to hit unexpecting Heatran, which would otherwise be a hard counter to this set. Flame Body allows it to punish careless contact moves from Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny, Landorus-T, non-Protective Pads Meowscarada, and Mega Scizor. Tera Grass powers up Giga Drain while turning Volcarona's Water weakness into a resistance, allowing it to safely take on threats such as Ogerpon-Wellspring Ogerpon-W and Choice Scarf Urshifu-R. Alternatively, Tera Ground allows Volcarona to dodge revenge killing attempts from the likes of Iron Boulder (RC) while powering up HP Hidden Power Ground to let it potentially OHKO Gouging Fire at +1. Due to Volcarona's high threat level, common attempts to check it involve using Terastallization on a defensive Pokemon, such as Heatran or Alomomola; (semicolon) as such, partners like Raging Bolt and Kyurem appreciate Volcarona forcing those Pokemon to Terastallize. Grass-types like Serperior are also great partners, as they can bait in Heatran for Volcarona while being able to switch in situationally on Water-types like Ogerpon-W and Choice Scarf Urshifu-R that threaten it out, and forcing out. Serperior can also force progress with Glare on threats like Gouging Fire or setting set up with Leaf Storm while chipping checks like Raging Bolt. Screens Dual screens setters like Grimmsnarl are also good teammates to allow Volcarona to set up far easier more easily and win games quickly.

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1/1 GP Team done

name: Offensive Quiver Dance
move 1: Quiver Dance
move 2: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 3: Giga Drain
move 4: Hidden Power [Ground] Ground
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Flame Body
nature: Timid
tera type: Grass / Ground
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Volcarona is a highly threatening sweeper that can end the game on the spot if given the opportunity to set up a Quiver Dance (RC) while being able to force out major threats to the hyper offensive offense teams that it finds itself on such as Swords Dance Mega Scizor. Flamethrower is Volcarona's Fire Fire-type STAB move of choice thanks to its decent base power Base Power and consistent damage output, although Fire Blast can be used for the extra power, allowing Volcarona to notably have a very high chance to OHKO defensive Landorus-T and Tapu Lele after Stealth Rock (RC) while OHKOing and OHKO Gliscor after one Quiver Dance, (AC) while Flamethrower cannot. Giga Drain provides good coverage alongside Volcarona's Fire Fire-type STAB move, allowing it to hit Water-types such as Alomomola and potentially forcing it them (sentence referring to waters in general not just mola; if only mola, change them back to it and remove 'water-types like') to Terastallize. Finally, HP Hidden Power Ground allows Volcarona to hit unexpecting Heatran, which would otherwise be a hard counter to this set. Flame Body allows it to punish careless contact moves from Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny, Landorus-T, non-Protective Pads Meowscarada, and Mega Scizor. Tera Grass powers up Giga Drain while turning Volcarona's Water weakness into a resistance, allowing it to safely take on threats such as Ogerpon-Wellspring Ogerpon-W and Choice Scarf Urshifu-R. Alternatively, Tera Ground allows Volcarona to dodge revenge killing attempts from the likes of Iron Boulder (RC) while powering up HP Hidden Power Ground to let it potentially OHKO Gouging Fire at +1. Due to Volcarona's high threat level, common attempts to check it involve using Terastallization on a defensive Pokemon, such as Heatran or Alomomola; (semicolon) as such, partners like Raging Bolt and Kyurem appreciate Volcarona forcing those Pokemon to Terastallize. Grass-types like Serperior are also great partners, as they can bait in Heatran for Volcarona while being able to switch in situationally on Water-types like Ogerpon-W and Choice Scarf Urshifu-R that threaten it out, and forcing out. Serperior can also force progress with Glare on threats like Gouging Fire or setting set up with Leaf Storm while chipping checks like Raging Bolt. Screens Dual screens setters like Grimmsnarl are also good teammates to allow Volcarona to set up far easier more easily and win games quickly.

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:dondozo:, ty autumn

can't believe the niners choked