Announcements Teh Well #87: Teh (It's pronounced like 'Tay') (Allegedly)

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talk us through some of your favourite smogoff posts
sorry! i forgot to respond to this one in the first post. i made DELETE SMOGON NOW because the idea of an official pokemon forum sounded like it would end up being a dumpster fire (which was correct,) and i hadn't seen any mention of it on the forums before i created the thread so i figured that i might as well make it to spark some discussion and to maybe catalogue the events for historical purposes.

the roleplay thread came to me in a flash of inspiration during one of my shifts. i rushed home and tried to get it down exactly how i envisioned it in my head. i stole a lot of the formatting from a random minecraft highschool rp post on a dead forum. i couldn't really come up with a comprehensive ruleset so i just decided to post it and let other people connect the dots. i was actually suprised that a lot of people seemed to take it seriously and i did actually consider doing more with it at one point. but a few people raised some valid concerns in #insidescoop and i figured it was best to let it be a one-off joke.

authorities (me) have said that the best slugcat is the artificer. do you have any comment on this official statement?
i liked artificer's campaign a lot tbh (was probably my 2nd favourite after saint) but have you considered that saint is very cute and possibly the goodest boy out there?

How many reCAPTCHAs have you failed in your life?
more than i want to admit.... it's not my fault they don't make sense half the time!

Pretend like you are a sports announcer. Explain the Poincaré conjecture to me in 5 different levels of understanding from elementary school level to college level and beyond.
Elementary school level: "Imagine you have a piece of string. You can stretch it, bend it, and twist it in different ways. The Poincaré conjecture is like a puzzle about how you can turn this string into different shapes without breaking it. It's like asking if you can turn a circle into a sphere without making any cuts."

Middle school level: "Okay, let's think about shapes in three dimensions. The Poincaré conjecture is a question about whether any weird, twisted shape in three dimensions can be turned into a simple, smooth shape, like a sphere. Mathematicians wondered if any shape with no holes, like a donut, could be turned into a sphere without tearing or cutting it."

High school level: "The Poincaré conjecture dives into the realm of topology, which is like geometry but more about the properties that don't change when you stretch or squish objects. It asks whether every simply connected, closed 3-dimensional manifold is homeomorphic to the 3-dimensional sphere. In simpler terms, it's asking whether any shape without holes in three dimensions can be continuously deformed into a sphere."

College level: "The Poincaré conjecture, proposed by French mathematician Henri Poincaré in 1904, is a fundamental question in topology and geometry. It conjectures that any closed, simply connected 3-dimensional manifold is homeomorphic to the 3-dimensional sphere. This means that any shape without holes in three dimensions can be transformed into a sphere without cutting or tearing. Proving this conjecture required sophisticated mathematical techniques and was one of the most famous and challenging problems in mathematics for over a century."

Beyond college level: "The Poincaré conjecture, finally proven by Grigori Perelman in 2003, marked a monumental achievement in mathematics and topology. Perelman's proof involved revolutionary insights into geometric analysis and the Ricci flow, a technique from differential geometry. The resolution of this conjecture not only solved a long-standing mathematical puzzle but also had profound implications for our understanding of high-dimensional spaces and the structure of the universe at a fundamental level."

Would you rather be forced to watch all of one piece in one sitting or start over from 9th grade?
assuming i would have enough time to sleep/eat and if i could talk to other people at the same time i think i would choose one piece. i'm satisfied with how my life has went so far so i don't really feel the need to go back in time and "fix" it
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