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  • rofl, thanks. Have you been on PO lately? haven't seen you on in timeeee. My alt is blueprint, message me when you are on
    Hey we're matched up for the RU Open. The deadline is the 19th. I'll be testing and teambuilding this weekend, so maybe we could plan on next Wednesday to give us a few days before the deadline in case we miss each other. I should be able to get on pretty much anytime though, and my time zone is gmt -5. Looking forward to some good games, let me know hen you'd like to play.
    Yes but whats evening for u? Mines 9 30 pm is that a good time 4 u? To contact me im on the #pokemon channel. Hope I c u today
    Is there any day that you are online at 12:00 - 15:00 or 12:00 - 3:00 AM my time? Because I work these coming days in the evening
    Are there any specific days that you are available? That would make everything a lot easier
    Hi, I'm your opponent for the UPL semi-finals. When are you available to battle? I live in a GMT+1 area
    Hi! When are you available to play for UPL? I live on the east coast of the United States (Gmt-6 i think) and am available to play p. much all week. Just let me know.
    lol tbh I'm not really a morning guy, I like sleeping until noon.. But still, tell me the exact time when you would want to play (as long as it's not too early) and I'll try to come
    Something came up for today at the time we scheduled. I'll need to battle on another day
    Ok, I'll be free next week too, We can set up a specific time or we can meet in irc, what do you prefer?
    We got to play for the WCOP. I'm in GMT -3 timezone, when are you free?
    I'm free for pretty much the whole weekend. In fact I can play now if you want. I'll be on PO a lot as Peaceland so just catch me when you see me.
    pues tiene que ser el lunes por la tarde, entre las 4 y las 8, que yo empiezo examenes ya
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