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  • tenemos q jugar para el farm league. Yo voy a estar activo casi toda la tarde-noche mañana. Cuando quieres jugar?
    Is it possible for you to battle on friday? My timezone is GMT -5, so how about 4:00 PM GMT -5 (it should be 10:00 PM for you). I am pretty bust this week until friday :S
    Hey, looking forward to playing you for OST9. I'm GMT -7, and i have plenty of time to play before the 6th. Do you have skype?
    oh what name are u on i got off and played another tour match on ps
    we can play now
    Hey man I was in imp channel as dabess, did u not find me?
    If today doesn't work out maybe we can schedule for the 26th.
    Hey i go by Dabess on po :] i usually hang out in the imp channel.
    Let me know when u can play thanks!
    That would be correct. I am GMT-5. When would you like to fight? Do you use IRC? You can find me at #pokemon.
    I'm on break and gmt -8 and yea i am usually on po. I'll be free most of this week at night.
    Also if you know when you'll be free just let me know ahead of time so I can schedule. Thanks
    Maldito acabo de leerlo ahora, mira pongamos fecha, te viene bien este sabado cosa de las 5 de la tarde?
    Ito pasate por el serv ese de Pokemon STATS para jugar el interclanes vs kalarse o contactale por mp en PxP
    1996ITO PORRA ! xD

    Si puedes pasate por el msn que estamos todos en un grupo de la WC para charlar sobre esto y tal :)
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