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  • Doubles seasonal Im GMT -6 central time, I can play evenings/nights pretty freely. Just let me know when u can play and we can work something out
    Hey, when can you play for SPL? I'm free after noon PST on Tuesday and Friday til about 10 pm PST. Thursday and Saturday I can play before 4 pm PST or after 9 pm PST. Wednesday after 5 pm PST would work as well. Sunday is pretty much the only day I can't play
    Hey blingas i am your opponent in OST, im gmt +1 wanna play early or later? I don't really mind, tell me what works for you and we get it done. Friday and saturdays are not working for me:/
    When do you wanna play for SPL? I can do Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday at 1 pm est. Any of those work for you?
    earliest availabble
    wednesday it is! cya then
    schedule for spl? sunday works best for me things are hectic until then
    people watch this kind of thing apparently and prestigious room mod KyleCole is telling me to schedule so...

    literally the entire day works for me after 12 pm and im gmt - 5
    im free all day too
    been here for a while but forgot to say anything
    anyways im rdy to fight whenver
    when fite vgc tour... i have limited activity because christmas but can be on most nights after about 10 eastern time
    i'd get more gr8 traps but they're too rare so i have to seed in mediocre ones to keep a constant stream ;_;
    hi we paired up for fall seasonals, I am in GMT-7 (PDT) and my schedule is somewhat tight during the weekdays with classes and other commitments. Can we play sometime like I dunno even know man >.> maybe Sunday evening my time? 6pm ish (i didn't copy kamikaze dw)
    hey we are paired up for Fall Seasonals. I am in GMT -7(PDT) and my schedule is somewhat tight during the weekdays with classes and other commitments. Can we play sometime on the weekend? I am free both Saturday and Sunday anytime after 12noon my time.
    Wtf u so inactive e.e I mean I had to post a message and actually contact you. Playing UU Open Im online 16 hrs a day. Im not so good with GMT and time crap. my alt is HellfireCancer PM me whenever you wanna do this.
    when do you want to play for uu open, gmt - 4 here, available after 12 PM for weekdays, available all day on Saturday and after 7:30 PM on Sunday
    hey sorry kinda forgot about this, i'm ready to play whenever, hit me up on irc if you can. I'm on as Tanner usually 24/7
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