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  • is there anything else I could ev train for:

    [Nature: Calm] [Ability: Prankster]
    [IVs 31|12|31|18|30|31]
    [EVs: 252 HP | 252 SpD | 4 Spe]
    [Moves: Giga Drain | Encore | Cotton Guard | Leech Seed]
    Location: Hatched at Route 3.
    Availability: ~Lvl. 48 EVd~
    Box cloned with an AR DSi.
    hey capuchin do u happen to have a lv 100 specially defensive heatran if u do can u clone me one?
    i liked it, sun is always a good change of pace (although i really enjoy sand, as Ttar often lets scrafty set up to +6) though, if i'm to be honest here, i would scrap Durant and throw in Darmantian as a physical attacker. Sheer Force Flare Blitz + 140 base attack + sun = utter complete destruction, even to stuff that resists it. Heatran Arcanine and bulky Volcarona also make good sun abusers, so if you're ever looking for subs may want to check them out too
    hey dude, i see you online, but you're not responding to my battle request. something up?
    is this still in gen 4?

    [Nature: Jolly] [Ability: Levitate]
    [IVs 31|31|31|0|31|31]
    [EVs: None]
    Location: From Sinnoh.
    Availability: ~Lvl. 50 UT~
    Box cloned with an AR DSi

    if so, could I ev train something for it?
    Please go for minimum Attack. It doesn't use the attack stat, otherwise counter chansey would SUUUCK! :)
    Oh yeah. The Electric Monkey's Tree. Or is it Monkies? D:

    Ah, nice. Night Burst makes Zoroark too obvious. Although it can't take a hit anyway, so not like it matters.

    Also, I'm interested in your DW Slowpoke and HP Fighting Mismagius. Is there anything from my part of the thread that you would like for them? Oh, and what gender is your Tangela/Tangrowth? :P
    lol, I had to cram, too. It's the only way I learn. ;P

    Yeah, I've done some new stuff, but I see you've already bumped it yourself :D

    Indeed. We will have to. What was the new name we were going with, again?
    OK, here's a list of things I need done:

    1. Female Brave Roggenrola (31/31/31/X/31/0) egg moves: Curse

    2+3 Timid and/or Modest Female Zoroa w/ HP flying 70 and max IVs otherwise, w/ egg moves: Dark Pulse, Detect, and Counter (not necessary, but would be nice... especially w/ focas sash).

    4 Quiet Female Magi Guard Solosis (31/0/31/31/31/0) w/ Trick

    5+6 Adamant and Jolly Female flawless Rattled Magikarp/Moxie Gyarados

    7 Female Brave Karablast (31/31/31/X/31/0) w/ Megahorn and Pursuit.

    8 Female Moxie (DW) Murkrow (31/31/31/X/31/31) w/ Brave Bird and Roost

    And I'm sure I can think of a few more... :)

    And, of course, I'd be willing to EV more guys for you... because I know how hard RNGing is. :)
    Probably just flawless females w/ a few egg moves... I just contracted out like a half dozen BPs - but I can always find more. I'll hit you up with a list after our trade.

    I RCed 3 of 'em up to lv 100. DP is an egg move, though, which really hurts.

    Do you have any particularly easy-to-get shiny female HP spreads I should be thinking about matching to BPs?
    We'll do more credits I suppose - but I'd be all for you doing a few BPs for me.

    I'm done w/ all 6 now - I'll meet you online.

    Are you free to do some Bps this week?
    I've got to EV Cobalion, then you can pick them up if you want... or wait for me to RC them to lv 100.
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