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  • 5)Select "Breeding BW" or "Breeding BW International", paste your seed, generate results, and click the "Find initial seed" button. There's a 90% chance your actualy initial frame will be the one the Reporter tells you +3. Also, Initial frames will always be a random frame between 40 and 60.
    6)Load your game at the date/hour combo the Time Finder tab told you.
    7)Collect egg and Chatot Flip accordingly.

    Try to RNG a Magikarp egg since it takes only around 800 steps to hatch.
    To hatch rng'd eggs...
    1)Save in front of the Day-Care man when he's got an egg. Remember, your party must have a Flame Body/Magma Armor poke and 2 chatots with a customized Chatter.
    2)Go to the Time Hatcher button and proceed to the Shiny Egg tab.
    3)Input your egg parameters!
    Select "Breeding BW" or "Breeding BW International". Ditto Parent (if you're using it), DW Ability (assuming you want one), Ability, parents' IVs, and egg's IVs. For the egg, usually you want something like 31/31/31/x/31/31. If you want, say, Hidden Power Ice: 31/HP_E/30/31/31/31). What I'm trying to say here, do not input all 6 IVs. 4-5 will suffice, since the parents will pass down 3 IVs.
    4)Generate a seed! Chose one and copypaste it to the Main Menu of the RNG reporter.
    1)Save in the Lostorn Forest or in the Final Chamber of the VR.
    2)Input a date/time in your DS Parameters and load the game at the exact same date/time-1. Ie, is your DS Parameters look like 12/12/2020 @ 13:45:20, you should load your game 12/12/2020 @ 13:45:19.
    3)Do not press any buttons until the GF logo pops up. Then load your game with the C-Gear turned off. without moving/turning around, use Sweet Scent
    4)Catch whatever comes up and check its exact IVs with an AR or pokécheck.
    (private) stalked you on smogon, took 2 minutes to cycle through potential candidates :P you can guess what line of work I am in hehene

    What did you mean? *hugs*
    edit: yesh, I am ladykiwi. lol
    oh wow, thats convenient! i would be more than happy to try and help you out, but just be aware I don't RNG anymore so I don't have anything installed on this comp x_x
    haha no problem. i got one of the wifi adapter things and it works well :D only problem is you cant find em in stores anymore -_- GL with everyone!
    Oh man thats really unfortunate! I would be more than happy to give you it for free as long as you don't give it out to other people. :P If you dont have a 4th gen cartridge I'm not sure how you'd RNG one. Also if you send me a text copy of your team I'd be more than happy to give you some more suggestions.
    Ahhhh I gotcha. Generally speaking matches are just one battle. The only time you use best 2 of 3 are at nationals.. which there is a good chance I will be attending! :) IMO RNG'ing is imperative, but it sounds like you're learning. I was wondering what role PZ served. Looking at your team.. hitmontop is a huge weakness seeing as it hits 2x on everything besides politoed. I think a great addition to your team would be a standard 'beattheshitoutofthem' latios. Access to STAB Psychic could help you with fighting types, and dragon gem draco meteor ohkos a LOT. Just a consideration though. IMO just keep playing around with your team on PO. If you ever need any rng'd pokes, I can provide the ones seen on my trading thread. :)
    GGs, it was fun! You got me that first time :P If you ever wanna battle again or just wanna talk vgc feel free to ask
    Ah 2-3 hmmm I've never done it that way but yes, and my FC is 0862 6405 1412

    I would love any advice because I don't think this is what I will use in April but it is consistent
    ahhh I remember when I learned RNG'ing, took me like 4 hours to finally succeed xD anyways ill add ya and get on wifi, should be on in ~6 minutes... would you like to play best 2 of 3? O:
    yeah calling is great although my favorite is three minutes clapping
    (which is where my ct/location has lyrics from)
    I don't remember too much but my OT is Hydra and location wasn't registered.
    but I think your Thundurus critted my Thundurus with a T-bolt when I needed it the most :P
    GG anyway :)
    re-opened, feel free to bump and say you added the changes, thanks for your time bruh
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