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  • Oh yeah, forgot to update that on the RMT. Thanks for reminding me, though I doubt anyone looks at it anymore xD
    Thanks once again, I really don't mind that backseat OPing because this is the first sorta project I'm running. You were the real OP anyway so yeah. Thanks anyway.
    yeah thanks a lot man. I just personally thought some of those mons were a bit too straight forward to counter (look fighting types for Lileep) but yeah I guess that's what we gotta work with at this point. The major shit has already been covered.
    erm, quick favor. Can you edit the title to "Victim of the Week" since i can't edit your titles with what's saying who the threat being covered. I also really don't want to make a new thread since there are plentiful stuff in yours.
    alright thanks, I'm horrible too so i'm not sure how long i will last xD
    Hi, Delver, how are you? I'm very sorry I made you ragequit in our last battle (our only battle afaik). I was the guy with Cursed Body Frillish that stalled you out. I apologize if I made you angry, I know PS! can be frustrating and I thought you'd win after that crit on Frillish, Wooper didn't have a thing to hit Snover with and the curse will go away eventually.

    I guess that's all, see you around!
    The rest of Today and Tomorrow will work I believe, P.M. me a time and I'll see if it works.
    No problem, but Friday and early Saturday won't work for me, so it looks like Sunday is out best option. :) We can make more arrangements later into the week for exact time and things like that.
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