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  • Hi, you have the shiny value i need. If your free check your inbox. i think i have sent you a message :). ill reward back for hwatching my egg,
    Hi, if you're interested in Electric: (Dedenne, Electabuzz, Luxio) please add me 1719-4350-0416
    Added you Friend Code: 2509-2042-8981
    If you get a chance and have it already, could you tell me what my safari zone is please? :D
    Your Flying with Doduo/hoothoot/and that Fighting/flying bird thing
    Hey, sorry for being so late on this, but I saw that I was a winner in your Eevee/Togepi giveaway a while back. Just wondering if you still have them and, if so, when can I get them?
    yeah you can be a distributor you can collect it from fell angel or pokemon42 whenever you come online
    i'll add you to the list
    Hey I'm also wondering if you could deliver my prizes for King N's giveaway
    wifi or files work for me FC: 1420 6427 7965
    hey im prepared to receive my prizes, Togepi and eevee, for king n's giveaway now if you are ready to distribute
    Hey dende,

    I won King N's giveaway. I'd be very grateful if I could get Eevee and Togepi!

    My FC is 3095 6927 2410.
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