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  • Wow I bug you a lot.

    Also, SubwayJ can't counterswitch since he doesn't have mons enough to do so :>
    I am sorry for taking so long with the raid. Life is coming like a wrecking ball on my free time. Doing taxes doesn't help either. I intend to get it done by sunday at most (which is when I will have guaranteed free time). And after that things should progress more easily. I hope.
    Can I keep using that profile making thread for TLRs? With the same prizes and rules and what-not. There are some profiles I would like to do for Kyurem while I bother to work flavor and minor technicalities. And for future TLRs also, so I don't have to nag at you every 2 months.
    Sure, same rules as always, don't whip the slave labour too much~
    What happens if Rock Smash is comboed with a move that is both a "Rock" move and decreases Defense (Like Rock Smash itself)? NDA give different boosts in each situation, so I dunno what happens if both situations are present. I would say both things apply, but since I am an interested party, I should probably ask someone else before hand. AKA you
    Well that's really weird. At a glance, it appears as if Rock Smash + Rock Smash would go to 27 BAP? (4*2.25)*1.5*2 and all. The Defense stuff doesn't matter (Since it'd be 100% regardless), but yeah.

    I'm going to go abuse the US's lax gun laws vs Deck now -_-'
    Unrelated note: Team tournament dos is up, you want to team up? I'd do triples or maybe singles. (Track record is not stellar on the latter)
    Sure - if you want to grab Triples? I can take Doubles, given my team is suited, so yeah.
    Tentatively we've got YAS on singles - I'm going to make the quasi-confirm post in the tourney thread.
    So uh, looks like boss 2 is revealed now. Does his type change our plans at all. (Probably not but eh)
    Biggest thing it does is re-open looking at Dragalge on your team (Even a slow Bubble Shield might be useful - as would the 2x SE hits) and Hydreigon might come back into play . It also means your Syclant needs Natural Gift to go with it's Pumkin Berry - Gygax Holy Blade and Natural gift are 36 and 38 damage each. Mega Altaria still seems to be a perfectly competent tank, and we have others who can temporarily taake over.
    um in the claiming thread I did not get an a approve nor did I get a disapproval., could you fixed that please?
    Whoops, this is what I get for doing approvals in the rough order of 'oldest members to newer members'. Approved ^^'
    Take Azelfie
    Take Azelfie
    thanks n_n
    Steelix is at -1spe. I forgot to put it and I /think/ it matters a little in your battle. Lemme know if/when I can ref.
    Should be good to go. Means that Steelix does end up being KOed,, but not without taking Cradily out in the process.
    I should seen this before break time finished -_-. Oh well, by the looks of it leet won't do much better than zt.

    anyway, question: If a sub calls for Skill Swap (get X for your A and Y for B) and my opponent doesn't have Y, the entire sub is illegal, right? Since it is in am important match I thought I would ask for confirmation.
    Yah, for Leet that play was notably off - and if he hadn't got the 20%, then... =\

    And that's a good one. Follow similar rulings on Imprison imo? Which I reckon means illegal?
    Just to confirm it once more. Leethoof passed DQ for the third time like an hour ago. Do I pull the plug?

    please :>?
    how patient should we be with leethoof as far as rock qualifiers go?

    I mean, my personal stance is "3 strikes and he is out" and he already passed DQ twice. But since you are the examiner I will leave the decision to you.
    Call DQ on the third. He's been active on IRC, and he has actively looked at the match (And asked me to change my sendout. Twice.)
    Sorry about the approval skip. It's weird because I distinctly remember checking Sableye on veekun but I must have forgot to put it in the post
    Don't worry, it happens~
    And a random Q: If you got a penny for every time someone forgot two-abilities in your gym, and I got a penny every time someone forgot Krill's Shell Armour, which of us would be richer?
    We would both have many pennies
    to be sure: can dig (suspend) be used under taunt? is it a damaging move? I mean, I've interpreted that way more than once, since it is an attack that is merely delayed, but will happen. Also, NDA qualifies as physical and doesn't make an exception for suspension. But since it is my battle involved, I'd guess a second opinion would do good.
    doggie-boy? :>
    I think you can use (suspend)? Like, afaik it works in game, so yeah.
    Help my memory pls. On ASB do we use the old "Can't use rest if at full hp" mechanic from ingame? Even though the healing occurs only later in the action?
    Personally I think yes (a mon can't rest if not tired), but I want confirmation.
    I don't think we say anything either way, so I'd say follow in-game?
    We don't.

    Can we update the Hall Pokemon with regards to the new signature items? Stuff like Yanmega @ Rare Candy aren't the most useful things.
    Could you gimme some input? Can't enter IRC now. Consider this sub: "If Gardevoir will be a Fire type when you act, replace your respective action with Earthquake ~ Dig ~ Earthquake". Should I interpret it as "THEN Earthquake on the first instance, Dig on the second etc" or as "THEN initiate action string Earthquake - Dig etc"?
    To me, that's saying to initiate an action string. I'd need to see 'instance' to interpret it as first instance / 2nd instance / etc.
    thought that too. K. tks. when tex bitches about it I will blame it on you.
    What can I say your format restored my faith in humanity
    .... that bad? Lemme know if you want a hand for approvals I guess. (Also apologies for the delay in getting to Elec Gym ^^')
    Can I take over the Subway? It's been nearly a year since it closed with no MkII thread in sight.
    so....thoughts on Fire Gym? Geodude6 isn't a bad player and has a good team. He needs to iron stuff, but he won't be the worst gym leader ever accepted. He just need to counterswitch -_-.

    IMO we can award him the place etc. And get him to go fight texas.
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