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  • When do you want to play for home field tour? We have like 20 days until the deadline, but these are my last remaining matches, so might as well get them done. I'm GMT-4, weekday evenings/late afternoons and weekens work best, how about you?
    hi, I sub firemage for the home field tour, I can play any day, GMT+1 from 8PM to 12. I can also play the week end during the afternoon from 2PM to 5PM. PM me when you want to fight.
    When fite for Home Field Advantage? I'm GMT -5
    my gmt is -3. I'm online most of the day..
    Little Hulk
    Little Hulk
    alright meet me on the smogtours server sometime tomorrow, probably around 3-4 PM my time. ill send a message here to indicate when im waiting at the smogtours server
    Hey. I'm just reaching out to make contact with you now. What times work for you?
    Ok. My gmt is -8. Do you mean 13:30? If you dont that's OK, it just seems like you mean 13:30, not 1:30.
    I will stay online here, when entering just call if you want to battle. i'm on reborn server..
    I'm still confused... By 1:30 AM do you mean the middle of the day, or the middle of the night? And for you or for me?
    hey I'm ready to play now, I'm GMT+10 and i'm pretty flexible in the next couple of days so if you give me a reasonable time I can probably make it.
    Hi man, you and mee need play in the tour RUNULCLympics, my time is gmt-4, i can play this saturday in the night
    Can we play on showdown? I dont have PO on phone :( ive never found a glitch on the beta.
    can't I have class 3 - 5 pm today. I have to attend class and do work Monday - Wednesday, but on Thursday I'll be available at around 2 PM until the rest of the day in my time. We can play then I guess?
    I commented on your post 2 days ago, are you going to respond with a time?
    2 of us are pretty much unavailable in the afternoon and evening this weekend, the only available time there would be between 5am-9am in your time zone
    since i doubt that you want to play at this time i suggest tomorrow or monday afternoon-evening?

    edit: we can now also play on saturday!
    hey when do you guys have time for the ghosting tournament?
    (our time zone is GMT+2)
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