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  • Hey Eppie, let me know if I'm bothering you, I'm hoping that we can be friends eventually. I'll see you later.
    Sorry, taking a while since I had some pokes cloned and trading them back :x I'll be with you in 5 min or less. Wait online for me :)
    just breeding some pokemon and preparing for this match I have to do later on in the day...
    So do you SR for the pokemon you breed? Im just curious, or do you use save states?
    Hey, this is none of my business but I've got something to say. The deoxys was clearly hacked. It's probably your fault more than deztroyas. You can just look at the IV's and tell it's hacked. Rule number one is to use COmmon sense while trading, and you didn't do so. That deoxys has been in his thread for about as long as he's been on smogon, and nobody has said anything untill you. So yeah, nice job catching him.
    Its starting to boom with people liking TR pokemon.

    I thought that gravity would be the one to be excited and abused first.
    Hey eppie. What's with the sudden interest in TR pokemon? Its not even just you, quite a few people are looking for TR pokemon...
    Sure thing, just give me a sec :D.
    I'll get back on once I get the name changed.
    Once again sorry for the confusion.
    Oh, I'm really sorry dude. I didn't notice it said UT. Hold on, I'll have to go find it.
    Sorry for the confusion. Do you want a nicknamed version? And the thread did say it was nicknamed.
    I am interested in one of the dragonite's, i just would like to know how the anti lead set works before i choose anything,
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