Rename Card
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  • Hey there! I see you haven't been on much recently but I kind of let myself get sucked back into Pokemon again for a little bit. xD Probably won't last too long but I'm enjoying 6th gen for now. Things here are so different from before and I hardly recognize anyone any more. Anyway, hope you're doing well :)
    Merry Christmas Colin! I hope you are having a blast and I hope you are having plenty of wine, food, and presents! xd
    Rename Card
    Rename Card
    Thanks, buddy. I hope you had a good one!
    Warped Worlds
    Warped Worlds
    I've been on skype today. We should catch up.
    Hi there! Do you still have your old stuff for trade?
    Rename Card
    Rename Card
    I do, but it's all still in 4th gen. I'm currently in the process of reaching the post-game in White, though it's a work-in-progress.
    So how is this new gen working out for you? Best gen yet?
    Rename Card
    Rename Card
    Investing all of my gaming time into Pokémon while letting my other games fall by the wayside. This feels familiar...
    Yeah, we've all been there. I don't know when I'll try my hand at 6th gen, maybe when the 3rd installation comes out, and maybe when the site gets a better layout, lol. I'm definitely enjoying my gaming a lot more now, though.
    Rename Card
    Rename Card
    I'll never get back into it as hardcore as I did in 4th gen. I just don't have that kind of time anymore.
    Oh wow, I kind of quit Smogon, not time for much Pokemon any more sadly :( I had an urge to check back here today and I saw your visitor messages (albeit from quite some time ago!) I hope you are doing well!
    Oh, I didn't see this VM. Sorry about that. I don't really go on messenger anymore, but I go on skype occassionally.

    Yeah, my mom sometimes used to snoop on my laptop when I wasn't around. Or I would let her use it. She has been a bit sick lately, but she will be fine I think.

    Job searching a lot, and happy valentine's day!

    Yeah your not the first one to say that. Life has priority over games but good to hear from you man hope you keep well :D. Until next time ~Dez.
    Awwww dude I missed your birthday D: Yeah I am sort of trading isn't the same with Pokecheck and Free pokemon everywhere so yeah I don't bother much with it I've mostly been drawing so I think I'm going to hang out in smeargle studio adding a drawing or two every now and then and competing in the MAC xD how about you still rocking pokemon?

    PS Happy birthday I would love to do you a drawing if you want :)
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