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  • Hey, let me know what you need EVing for that Togekiss of yours and also for the Electivire if you find it. I'm also willing to EV for additional credits since I like a lot of stuff in your thread.

    P.S. I use my AR for item codes so I can Rare Candy level, teach and TMs etc. if you need.
    And that is essentially it in a nutshell then correct? Just choose a time/frame, SR, and wait for the required time and hit A (more or less) correct?
    Guess I figured it out :P. I was able to use the sav file on VBA by converting it. When ran at normal speeds is the VBA consistant as far as speed goes? Or should I calibrate how much of a difference I'm getting when SRing for a certain frame.

    EDIT: Sorry again for the bother. :/
    O_o....really? How would I go about doing that? I played through the game on NO$GBA and I remember back then if I wanted to use the sav file from that on VBA I had to convert it. Or is there a simpler way to do that?
    Crap...I was afraid you were going to say that. Shunyweb.info doesn't convert NO$GBA sav files to VBA anymore and I can't seem to find anywhere else they do that O_o...
    Hey bro sorry to bug you. I just wanted to know if it's possible to RNG on Emerald with NO$GBA. Do you recommend VBA instead though? I'm just utterly lost when it comes to Emerald abuse :P
    hmm, probably jolly. Shininess would be a great plus too if you can do that, but not needed
    and reading whats already been posted for all to see helps too i suppose maybe
    :O!!!! yeah it would be awesome if you did that for me, I've wanted to try a gimmick-ish set of Sky Attack/Double-Edge/Rock Slide/Earthquake @ Power herb :P
    thanks to you too, and no problem at all. btw I have a suggestion for your next emerald breed, if you need one - a jolly/adamant rock head aerodactyl w/ double-edge? Because I'd trade for it lol
    yeah, I'm trading you the modest nidoran (which I only have on my plat)+4 fillers, then on my HG I'll give you the rest of the pokes that you wanted.
    yep, and don't forget that I need all of them on my plat please (:
    Not really, but "A little" is to trade them more, and proably giving semi redis rights on several people. I am proably somewhat... extreme

    I can never know how full redis will make this forum die. Tell me, will the number if trades decrease if people have a bigger collection of Pokes to trade with?

    Edit: Lemme guess... My opinion is so stupid that you don't want to waste your life arguing about this?
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