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  • then, can you do a cinccino?
    Ability:tecnition (ability 1)
    Egg:knock off
    if you cant do it, theres another thing i was thinkng of doing myself,but ill do the mandibuzz myself.
    GREAT :D, how is 5 credits for it and we both get rights? i mainly need it for VGC 11, so if i dont, thats fine too.
    can you? wow, that would be great, in return, i could EV for you or such, or credits when i (eventually) open my store.
    EDIT:forgot to say shiny and carefull
    well, unfortunatly unless you can pokeshift and have black you cant do it, so can you?
    Mandibuzz (black exclusive) overcoat with egg moves- roost and Knock off (only avalablefrom farfeched with roost form 4th gen, learns knock off form lvl.
    could you do me an B/W BP? if not, thats completely fine. i know you only have flawless ablilty 1?
    Hmm... I think I understand the guide. A few questions:

    1. How do I manipulate the PID? Having the C Gear on, the PID frame will increase non stop.

    2. How do I predict PID? (Natures and shininess) And egg inheritance?

    And I don't have access to my NDS now, so I can't put it into practice.

    Edit: Wait wait wait... Are you using non C Gear seeds? Is it possible to search for spreads?
    Are you avaible for trade right now?one of your scizors...But I what one favor if you can can you nickname it Scherox?<Write it like that:) I hope u can!!
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