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  • Xbox360, Kino der toten is my favourite :)
    Pack-a-punched handguns are 'da bomb! (literally :)
    Black Ops eh? Me too, but I'm on Zombies more than anything :)
    Kino der Toten is solid past level 20 :)
    My exams start next friday D: English :(
    Ah well, welcome back mate :)
    Its been 5 days huh? Hope you come back soon dude, I got my AR and I miss you mate :/
    Hey man! Long time no speak :)
    How was your Christmas? I have an AR coming soon for a trade thread :) and an ALAMOS Darkrai and English Nasty Plot Celebi too :D
    Just need a partner now :)

    Ubisoft tipped us off to a new Flash game they've made to promote Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. Now, it may just be that I've been playing a lot of Tomena Sanner lately but I think this is damn good.

    You can check out the game here. I do recommend it. A surprisingly fun diversion, this.

    Flash Games for Teenagers
    Games for Kids
    Arcade games
    Adventure games
    Casino games
    I never received the Chansey from Varment so unfortunately I can't give it to you right now. Sorry.
    The only one at the moment is Cybertron, but I'm getting a hold of mattj and ninahaza as soon as I can. :)
    I think I will look for a partner then :) Maybe a giveaway of some sort will help me to locate one :D
    Thanks for the help man :D
    That is actually a cool name for a thread...I think I'll use it with your permission :)
    Should I go solo or go find a partner?
    And I'm sure they are awesome, since they know you :D
    Merry Christmas for in a few hours then xD
    Yes, I will have a tread...but I need a name for it :s Any ideas?
    And thank you, she was a great person to be around :) And I'll bet your dad was fact, I know he was, since a persons children are a reflection on themselves, and your sir, are pretty damn awesome :D
    I've been doing well, just EVing a few Pokemon and I ordered an Action Replay, so I should have a thread early in the new year :)
    No one ever truly leaves, as their memory always lives on inside of us. :) That's what my Nan told me before she died of old-age.
    And Fl4sh...Merry Christmas :D
    You lost your dad...I'm sorry man. I wish him the best wherever he is. :)
    So how are you friend? That giveaway is great, but made me sad :(
    TBH I'm not really into those kind of games (first person shooter) ya there fun but to get to an expert level, no thanks. lol
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