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  • Yeah just finished restarting comp to get the wifi adapter working, ill log on.
    I don't have a 3d DS yet but I will be getting one pretty soon. I'll either get one right away in the next month or I'll try to pick one up on sale around boxing day. I havn't decided yet. Hmm thats a shame about the Cloyster not knowing shell smash; how about the shiny ferrothorn instead then? Lets name the Heatrans both "Chloe".

    When you do come back I'll hook you up with any EV trained mons that I have distribution rights on to get you started quickly. Another game I play is League of Legends which is a free to play so if you ever play that we should play together; Trancê is my LoL user name.
    It's a shame you are quiting pokemon, you have been a good friend. Hopefully you will come back to it some day like maybe when the next pokemon game is released. I scrolled through your thread and these are the pokemon who are especially interesting to me.

    Shiny Haxorus, Shiny Skill Link Cloyster, Shiny Female Jellicent, Shiny Landorus and the shiny heatrans.

    That sucks that you lost your Pokemon black game. I could trade you the BPs and CPs that you did for me that I have EV trained.
    Ok for my credits... I know which Pokemon i want, so could I give you my email (via pm, I can't pm you for some reason??) and then you send them to me via .pkm?? Thanks!
    Hey I still have 3 credits with you I believe xD when could I redeem those?

    Also thank you so much for my Mew :)
    Hey Flash, Are you interested in a dw pichu. Cause I have one on my thread.

    Do you see anything else on my thread that you want?
    Just one question, Doesn't your wanted list say if someone gets you the cacnea, you'll owe that someone 3 credit points?
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