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  • Oh it was that whole thing with Skarmory that I had. I got 1 warning for bad mouthing the hell out of him and then one for not removing my blacklist on my thread. That will be gone April 5th.
    ok, i'm going into wifi now, see you there. I'll give you a bonus, a Reuniclus with 31 HP, 31 Def, male and trick so you can keep breeding with it if you like. Has a high possibly of having 31 Sp. A, and 31 Sp. D, but I didn't IV check it. It's Bold which isn't a bad nature but Overcoat instead of Magic Guard :/
    sure and it's the celebi and Ursaring for my Drill right?
    by any chance could you include 2x Lucky Egg. That is if you have the infinite item codes, if not then it's cool.
    5th gen would be better, i'm about to transfer all my 4th gen guys over within the next couple days and then don't plan on touching those games for a while
    hold on man already have a trade going right now and i need to leave soon. i'll be on after 11 tonight if not we can do it tomorrow. okay? and sorry if it's an inconvenience for you
    I was just on wifi to and did a quick trade with a friend and it worked on the first try to xD
    Again I'm very sorry :C
    Tyrabsol can clone for you just tell him I referred you. He's not here now but he'll most likely be back later.
    As sad and frustrating as this may sound I think you may need to find another cloner. Wifi simply refuses to cooperate. Thats to bad because I've been looking for that bii :/

    I'm very sorry I couldnt help you. I have to leave soon :(
    I checked my routers settings and nothing seems to be wrong on my end. I suppose we're just having bad luck with wifi today.
    This is very unusual. My wifi was working properly a few hours ago I have no idea what the problem is. But I'll keep trying as long as you want to.
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