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  • That's cool. I just need one for my Empoleon, and the berry person just doesn't like me. :(

    Would you like anything from my trade thread for it? :)
    Thank you. Oh and it has 31 IV's on SP Attack, SP Defense and Speed?
    Oh thats great! Thanks a bunch mate! I've been asking for Milotic for a long time and no one answers.
    Well, nevermind. I finally god an Adamant Teddiursa, which I guess will do for me until I can Sync some Dittos in Platinum.

    Thanks for replying, by the way.
    3653 3404 9250. Just checked, and that's my code... so well, what the hell happened.
    Maybe you could try using my in-game name too? It's Asdafda, but I'm not sure if it that actually changes anything.

    I'm pretty sure I've given it some times on other places, and nobody else had any problem. Weird...
    I don't see you, but the FC you gave me was put into my PalPad correctly. Could you go out and check to make sure the FC you gave me is still the one that is in use inside your game? Just in case you went on wifi with another DS lately.
    I'm going to go out and back into the wifi, because I can't see you. I'll check the FC I put in as well.
    I'll be on the forum at 7 PM EST which is about that time, so yes. Could you post your FC on this conversation please.
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