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  • sure i can give you those two, and dont worry about regi because tbh it would just sit in my boxes, like most of my pokes will be doing from now on xD
    honestly, im kind of quitting wifi so not anymore no, but if there was something you wanted for it, i dont mind giving it to you for free.
    I can't do that in a short period of time unfortunately. So I guess you should just find someone you know or someone else in the forum to clone it for you.
    I don't think he can clone your Tauros, because we won't have wi-fi where we are, so there's no way you can get him your Tauros. If you don't think you can find a cloner, then you can trade me the Tauros for something I don't need cloned. I get the Tauros and Slowpoke cloned, and then trade them to you for whatever I gave you + some random pokemon. If you don't trust this, that's perfectly understandable. I probably wouldn't either if you offered. This is just an emergency plan in case you can't find anyone to clone your Tauros.
    Find someone to clone it for us individually. And once we both get it cloned, we can trade. I think I'm gonna meet my friend this afternoon who can clone, so that shouldn't be an issue.
    I would love to trade but I cant I have matters to attend to that i didnt think were going to happen :( maybe when i return, or tomorrow
    To me it's actually easier to abuse on dppt as I heard hg/ss is challenging unless mattj knows something I'm not aware of.
    I actually RNG'd 2 different quiet heatrans from my flash card, one with HP-Grass and another with 31/30/31/31/31/0 as well.
    yeah you should totally learn how to unless you already do, bearsfan092 has really good vids on youtube showing you how to do it, also i still can't see you?
    I see you're among the few pre-RNGers still around. Your naive azelf was good until I came across another with 30/31/31/31/31/31. Any plans to do any RNGing of your own?
    there is but I aquired it at lv 100....and I got the ape cloned but since you cant clone then maybe we should trade some other time then? cause I may just buy a new AR in the next few days.
    I dont have my AR unless you can give me awhile to look for it? I misplaced it last night lol....and the Ape is lv 100 -_-
    Okay... so... my wifi has decided to be lame and not let me on at all. I'll have to catch up with you later. Sorry about all the glitchiness =(
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