Golden Sun
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  • hey, GMT -6, i can play this thursday and maybe on friday, but if those times dont work for you, we will have to play after the 26th as i have my final on that day, let me know when works out for you
    yo we have to play gsc cup r2 i have time nearly everyday next weak and im gmt +2 what about you?
    So we have to RBY...
    when can you battle?
    Golden Sun
    Golden Sun
    weekend try and catch me on irc. ill try and be on as much as possible (next weekend is much easier for me)
    M Dragon
    M Dragon
    you are logging in at impossible times for me :(
    Golden Sun
    Golden Sun
    have the win or ask for a sub
    hello we're opps for gsc cup. im gmt -5 when do you want to beat me
    Golden Sun
    Golden Sun
    im gmt+10 looks like itll have to be weekend
    alright see you then
    Hey, we're opponents for DPP Cup. What days / times are good for you? I'm EDT.

    Good luck, btw~
    Ugh, yeah, the next three days I'll be working 10-12 hours straight each, but Saturday I'm free all day.

    If next week's better for you, Tuesday night or Monday afternoon would both be good for me.
    Golden Sun
    Golden Sun
    yeah lets try for next week
    Let me know if some time today or tomorrow night my time would be good for you~
    yo when can you play for ost r2
    Water Drone
    Water Drone
    Lol. I messed that up. I sent that very early this morning, I'm actually gmt-5 (est).
    Golden Sun
    Golden Sun
    hmmm that makes it trickier. Can you give me some times youre available
    Water Drone
    Water Drone
    Im on february break. Practically any time would work bar 8 hours a night. So like anywhere from 10am-12pm my time should work.
    yo gs, we're paired for the spl this week. I'm gmt+1. I think you are gmt+10 or 11 something like that, so given our timezones's difference, it'd be best for us to play Saturday unless you can't. I can be online around 2pm or a bit earlier if needed. Let me know what's best for you.
    ayo gs, let's schedule
    so i'm gmt +1 and it'd be best for me if we could play on friday
    ideally, i'll be available between 16 and 23 my time, but i realize it might not work for you so i'm willing to stay later/be online earlier to meet you
    if friday doesn't work for you at all, let me know asap
    hf in advance :)

    what day and time is best for you Golden Sun.

    My timezone is gmt -3
    i search for you in mirc bro but you not on in mirc

    lol i read the log in mirc now....

    sorry bro i confuse the time

    because i schedule with Mdragon at 10:00 and with you at 9 am but i wrong the time with you

    because i wake up 10 am

    a thousand apologies

    Hey bro when you can to play
    send your time zone
    send you stay avaible.

    i am on every day in mirc /irc channel #wcop
    search for me
    my timezone gmt -3

    i can to play always 10 pm in my timezone
    But i prefer to play on the weekend 10 am
    Golden Sun
    Golden Sun
    im on holidays right now so im pretty much free whenever
    we have to play for the hoenn tournament. I should be on most of today just hit me back when ur ready
    Golden Sun
    Golden Sun
    sorry was really busy past few days ill try and be on tomorrow
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