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  • That thundrus you got with the 5 ivs is it for trade by any chance? And does it have prankster?
    If I end up keeping it its definetely for trade :) I still haven't saved, but I'm thinking about doing it since I could catch more Thundurus when I played throught my non-digital Alpha Sapphire :)
    Hey Hammie! I was wondering if you still have an UT copy of the Terrakion I gave you long ago, because I lost my UT copy and I need one ASAP; do you have one by any chance? c:
    Hey, Hammy!

    I was just wondering if you were still interested in the Thundurus? Haven't heard back from you since. Just lmk if you are; I should be available in the next hour or so.
    lol, Thundurus wasn't being so cooperative with Dives, so I bought and started with Premiers to shake things up. It helps that I have a Sableye to test both the HP, Spe, and to a lesser extent, SpA, but it's still pretty tedious when the darn thing doesn't want to stay in the ball even with capture power 3. lol

    Coming online now
    Okay, me too :) Also didn't really mean its a waste of time to catch a legend in a matching ball, but for me who is impatient and don't like SR:ing I'll use master ball if there's even the slightest match ^^ Like if I'm catching Raikou I'm definitely going master because of the purple fluff on it :P Thanks for the trade ^_^
    lol, I know what you mean. Wish we could RNG the stationaries like in Gen IV-V, that would make things a lot easier. But at the same time, SRing good legendaries makes it more rewarding. ^^
    And you're welcome! Thanks for the Cresselia! She'll be great for VGC. ^^
    Too bad you only want flawless terrakions, I caught a 31/31/31/x/31/30 Jolly one in a luxury ball :P
    only thing it doesnt outspeed it other terrakion and infernape is all :P good enough for vgc ;)
    I wouldn't wanna loose all those speed ties ;___; But at least you know you'll loose them so there's not even any reason for you to hope you win xD
    heyyyyy my terrakion did fine last time I used it :P I have zapdos tailwind support ;)
    your TSV 4057 matches my mawile's egg, could you hatch it for me please? : )
    Yeah sure :)
    Never mind, someone already hatched it for me. : )
    Hi, Hammy!
    Pokéguy has a cute Calm Thundurus if you are stll looking for it :)
    Thanks, I actually never noticed he had one. :O I'd still would like to have just slighly better IVs, but if I can't find a better one or SR one myself its still nice.
    Yes, it's a nice Thundy and you have an option on it.
    Good luck, Hammy! Hope you can get your Thundy soon :)
    I will tell you the nickname once Oregon Duck won the national championship :) ( 2-3 days from now) .
    Were you using Masuda Method before switching to the TR Ditto? If so, that explains why the new egg didnt hatch shiny.
    Thank you too :D If only I could've gotten a better shiny spread, but I'm liked doomed to always get shinys with bad speed. Three times in a row now :P
    Yep I did :)
    Alright then. Yea, spreads can be a pain. I just ordered a Powersave to backup shiny spreads, so good luck to us :)
    Hey Hammie, I've got a question about the lapras I have to breed for you .

    Do you really need 31/31/31/31/31/31

    'Cause I've got one with 31/xx/31/31/31/31 , and I want to know if you really need those Attack IVs !
    Thanks !
    Ups, didn't mean to put a question mark after "congrats on the shiny" xD
    Ok !
    I have more luck on shiny than on IVs °ω°
    He hasn't got IVs on spe def and speed, it's not really perfect for me.
    Anyway, I don't play NU or PU :(
    I'm planning to use it in VGC were its actually pretty decent :) Very good against those rain teams thanks to freeze dry, and also lots of ice weaks pokes. Rock slide weakness hurts but its still pretty bulky :) Also I actually got a shiny with the time mashine method today, just don't know which pokémon I will choose to use it on because the it didn't pas down speed or hidden ability :/
    Hey Hammy, I know you don't clone for trades under normal circumstances, but can you please make an exception?I am sick and tired of looking for cloners(I had to look for someone to clone 45 pokemon for me...)Please try to understand.If you can clone, I am ready to trade now.
    Hey Hamstern, are you able to pick up your Numel now?
    Thanks ^^ Will add you store credit soon.
    Hey it's me again :) I can breed & EV train a growlithe, Adamant with Intimidate & in a level ball 31/31/31/00/31/31 Male. If you send EV's I can do those exactly as you want.
    (the spreads comes from a timemachine I backup'd with PS)
    Sorry, someone helped me with it already, but thanks anyway :)
    Heya Hamstern! I finished your Hippopotas; you can see the details edited in my latest post on your trade thread. Shoot me a message when you're around so I can trade it for that Latias of yours. I would also offer to whip up the Careful version of that Hippopotas in exchange for Calm Heatran if you're interested in getting both natures. Let me know ^,^
    A careful one would be cool too :)
    I'm on it :)
    hey how ya doing with youre shiny hunt? I got 7 right now lol heathran didnt take me any resets at all first encounter bingo:P and its female which is awesome
    No shinys yet. I'm not aiming for shiny just good IVs, just hoping one day I will run into a shiny. Would keep it regardless of IVs. Might try SR for Zekrom at some point :) I did run into a shiny Eevee the other day when I was trying to catch a female in friend safari :D
    so cool I wanna masuda method one soon make it a sylveon because the ribbon pokemon needs a shitload of ribbons problemis I want it female if possible
    Would you be willing to help me find my shiny values for an egg or two for a bunch of credits?
    Unfortunately I don't think I will be able to help until next week. I only have like an hour left til I need to go to bed (going up 5.30AM on christmas for work, yeeey) and need to finish a cake and shower. And rest of the week will just be family stuff.
    Oh, and merry christmas :) (we celebrate it mainly on the 24th here)
    Cipher Admin Lovrina
    Cipher Admin Lovrina
    Merry Christmas. Will let you know if I still require assistance next week. Thanks for letting me know!
    hey I wont respond in youre thread anymore because ive decided to not post here anymore that last post I made in simple request got me a warn already and I seem to get warns for nothing and the mods pretty much said I would get more so
    Ah okay :/ Just PM or VM me if you want to claim you credit thought. Merry christmas (we celebrate it the 24th here in Sweden)
    lol thats not gonna happen but thanks at least you enjoy it:0
    I definitely have nickname able Ho-Oh and Lugia. Do you ever do shiny breeding projects in 6th gen? It's really weird. I think I only want to collect the Megas all shiny in matching balls with appropriate hidden powers/egg moves etc, as like the centerpieces of my team… at the same time, there are certain Pokemon I like better unshiny like Mega Gardevoir, Mega Gallade, and Mega Pidgeot.
    I can probably do that, getting back to some shiny hatching since I want some nice VGC pokes :)
    I am going to do the toad, but i forgot what do you want on it ( sorry for my delay)
    give me the details, thanks :)
    Thanks ^^ Let me know when you wanna claim you credits :P
    You don't do injected WC or dream world RNG :p . Keep telling myself i will learn how to RNG, but yeah haha .
    Nope, I don't have an AR to inject WC or dream world pokes on my retail carts, and RNG on flashcart is very inconsistent I've heard.
    Saw your wants: I have a Naive Defiant Thundurus with ivs of 30/31/30/31/31/31 for Hidden Power Ice. It's on my Pokemon Black 2, so I can tutor it and it's also nickname able.
    Hello, Hammy!
    I have already a HP Ground Eevee, if I am lucky your Eevee will be ready in an hour.
    Nice, need to go to bed now but can trade tomorrow :)
    Ok, good night!!
    Tomorrow we trade then.
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