- Location
- Gender
- Male
- Favorite Pokémon
- Swinub
- My Characteristic
- Mischievous
- 3DS Friend Code
- wish i had one
[15:16:33] +Xylen: i got
[15:16:34] +Xylen: too busy
[15:16:36] +Xylen: with
[15:16:42] +Xylen: sex housework
[16:14:03] Painter Espeon: mars: "yeah these are my kids, phobos and deimos, named after the gods of fear and terror"
[16:14:33] Painter Espeon: jupiter: "oh hey man, have you met ganymede and callisto? they're off playing with titan over there. uranus, what's your kid's name again?"
[16:14:52] Painter Espeon: uranus: *very very quietly* "ferd,"
[16:15:24] Painter Espeon: jupiter: "what"
[16:15:31] Painter Espeon: uranus: "fucking ferdinand leave me alone"