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  • Alright thanks. Don't really have a probelm with laddering again, I was just wondering if I could save some time. Anyways school is over for me so I shouldn't have that much trouble laddering. Thanks again!
    Hey Jabba, can we schedule your WCoP match for Sunday? I'm way more flexible that day then during the week, because of work. Would be much appreciated :)

    Have a nice day
    Hi, I spoke with a couple people about the suspect test and they mentioned that I could get a special app for the current suspect test for the OU(current) ladder. I still don't have reqs for the OU (suspect) ladder, but anyways... is this worthy of a special app? (due to high Win:Loss ratio)
    Hey, i don't have IRC installed, so if it's okay with you, let's just stick to VMs.

    I'll definitly be on at 7 PM my time and try to stay as long as possible. However, chances are i have to leave at around 8 PM, but i think i'll be back home at around 11 PM.

    Just check the forums if possible, i'll do the same :)

    Have a nice day
    Hey, would u like to play now for WC, or set up a better time? Join IRC if u like to talk better...
    today I'm fairly busy so I can't dedicate any time, tomorrow I'll be free from 10:30 AM to 5 PM and then 8 PM to whenever (GMT-4), Friday I'll be for a few hours around noon and in the evening, and saturday I think im completely free
    Ok I will vm you if I get home before 6pm. Link me a showdown server you wanna play on if not main server
    Hey, can we schedule something for next Thursday/Friday? I can't stay on longer than 11 PM my time weekdays due to work. Would be cool if we can make it work regardless :)

    Remember, i'm GMT+2.

    Have a nice day
    I don't know much about the tier, however I'll make a bad team when I have free time just to get my feet wet. I can't stay on right now but sometime Saturday I should be free.
    Perfect. Those are the times I'm available too. Well from the sound of things we shouldnt have trouble getting it done, so I'll just ask you if you wanna play when I see you on and am ready to battle or something
    Hey not to bug you or anything, but when are you gonna be available? If you don't wanna do it this week fine by me (finals :P, but not that I wouldn't mind a break from studying either), but I'd rather have a rough estimate in mind for scheduling RL stuff.

    Thanks! :D
    Heyhey, i'm one of your WCoP opponents for R1. Give me a sign whenever you are ready to fight :) I'm GMT+2, so we should probably aim for the weekend, because i'm really busy during the week.

    Have a nice day
    Hey, we're opponents for the OMPL.im GMT -5 and am usually on #wcop, #neverused, #pokemon and #doubles. When do you wanna get it done?
    hi. we are paired for wcop. i can battle whenever, i'm gmt-5 free after 6pm weekdays and flexible weekend
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