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  • Hey man we are paired for lcpl, i'm here all the weekend, so tell me when you wanna play. Im here the evenings at gmt+2, and I prefer playing on grotto if it doesn't bother you. See ya :)
    As usual, i'll be on between 8-10 pm +2, can't do later then this, you should have answered me earlier we would have scheduled this this weekend, but you ignored..
    yo , we have to play lc cup, i'm gmt+2 will be available between 8:30 and 10 pm generally just vm me back when ready
    Hey thanks for showing interest in the smogon minecraft server! Just so you know our current server is on 1.3.1 and we will be starting a new map in the close future on the newest patch, and have a single player map download for all of the smogcraft 2.0 map. Keep that in mind while you mine and check the minecraft thread for updates!
    252 Atk Life Orb Drilbur (+Atk) Earthquake vs 252 HP/252 Def Eviolite Foongus (+Def) : 46.15% - 57.69% (2-3 hits to KO)

    sand + sr makes that a 2hko 100% of the time

    Nah, you didn't miss it. I added it in the rules after you asked so other people won't miss it. It was a good question!
    Hey man I love you trying to contribute to the little forums! Good work. Have you considered IRC? Join #littlecup on the synirc server, and talk to some of us, improve at the tier and have fun doing so! We'd love to have you!
    your post mystifies me, if you want to post your wingull set on a creative moveset thread that you already know exists, why don't you. I don't think there's a need for 2 of the same thread lol
    We don't just make threads for Pokemon arbitrarily. If you want to discuss stats, use the usage stats thread. If it's not stats or a suspect, it's probably not worth a discussion tbh.
    you didn't attach a log, and that set is a gimmick... also we don't give individual sets threads
    While SS Dwebble is by no means bad, it is the secondary set as Dwebble's primary role is to set up hazards quickly. This is not necessarily saying that it is a better set (both are good in certain instances), but no Pokemon can abuse Speed and sturdy to get up many layers of hazards like Dwebble can.
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