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  • Hey Jhud, I'll be attending the GA regionals in April. I am looking for a calm cresselia (or any nature that boosts spec defense honestly), and a brave (or any nature that boosts Atk.) Metagross (or beldum). I can do all the EV training. Please let me know!
    Oh I forgot to add something to the PM. I am wondering if you can change the nicknames of some of the pokemon. Thanks :)
    Edit: i dont need the hitmontop and escaliever. Got those covered
    Do you have a Latios you would be willing to trade? I'm in need! Haha I don't care what nature it is, I'll re-breed and EV train on my own.
    Hey jhud could not catch you on Skarmbliss today but how are the Tyranitar and Garchhomp?
    If you can can you please give me a rough date of completion just so I know though.
    Yeah if you have the old message I asked for Latios instead of Tyranitar but Latios is now sorted :D

    Tyranitar (M) @ Dark Gem
    Trait: Sand Stream
    EVs: 252 HP / 192 Def / 64 SDef
    Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
    - Crunch
    - Stone Edge
    - Earthquake
    - Roar

    Garchomp (M) @ Yache Berry
    Trait: Sand Veil
    EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
    Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
    - Outrage
    - Protect
    - Earthquake
    - Stone Edge

    Tyranitar IVs: 31 HP, 31 Att, 31 Def & 31 Sp. Def
    Garchomp IVs: 31 HP, 31 Att, 31 Def, 31 Sp. Def & 31 Speed

    Rest of the IVs I don't care about.

    Thanks in advance
    -VGCSandstorm/[ØHax]MattN VGC
    Hi jhud, I also live in the St. Louis area and I was wondering, where you lived in the area?
    Hi jhud you may know me as POkegurus friend or [ØHax]MattN9001 but can I have something RNGed plz (I found the thread saying you could do it). Do you mind if I ask for a LegendIf so:

    Latios (M) @ Dragon Gem
    Trait: Levitate
    IVs: 31 HP, 31 Def, 31 Sp. Att, 31 Sp.Def and 31 Speed
    Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
    - Draco Meteor
    - Thunder
    - Protect
    - Psychic

    If u arnt doin Legends then can I have this plz?:

    Garchomp (M) @ Yache Berry
    Trait: Sand Veil
    IVs: 31 HP, 31 Att, 31 Def, 31 Sp. Def & 31 Speed
    Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
    - Outrage
    - Protect
    - Earthquake
    - Stone Edge

    I dont mind which you do and I can EV train them AND level them but I need them quick plz.

    I'm going to the VGC in Georgia and the last pokemon i need is a conkeldurr (DrainPunch/RockSlide/MachPunch/Detect) Max ATK. If you could do this it would be very helpful thanks.
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