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  • Hey Kazo.About that Raquaza,it seems that it's hard for me to receive it directly from you.So i asked Serendipity to do me this favor and receive from you instead,as your timezones are not that different.Let me know if that's ok with you.
    Hi Kazo.I noticed that you've been capturing cool stuff for people,and wanted to ask you if you have the time to catch something for me too.Anything from here would be great
    I don't want to go ahead before asking you, but is the Groudon you caught for me redis. by me? Not to sound greedy or anything, just curious. Thanks a lot.
    I got your lugia from gary the gengar.
    Is there any way I could trade you something for redis rights?
    Just letting you know i still need to pick up the Giveaway pokemon. I haven't seen you round much so i haven't been able to tell you. I was the last person to win your Timid Kyogre if you've forgotten
    Hey, I was wondering if there was any chance I had anything you wanted for your giveaway Pokemon. Please let me know - munch
    Would you still be interested in those 5 pokemon that you originally wanted from me?
    I am looking to collect all of your giveaway pokemon, and so far I've only gotten latias and the bold suicune.

    Would you trade the remaining 4 for those 5? Pm me if that works.
    I was wondering, since your trade thread is closed and all, could I have a redis right on your suicune? It'd keep your building legacy here a little longer.
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