King Serperior
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  • Okay, but I may not see it until Sunday(I have the same GMT as you). I will post it all then, but I don't know if DEMo wants to write a section for his tribe...
    however long you'd like your section to be. I will just add an intro and fix any grammar mistakes that any one of us makes, and post the intro as is! Hopefully the intro will launch, and everybody will like it. I'll be so glad to have a story I wrote turn into a great RP!
    Zombies. Hey I was thinking I should get an NPC to summon the Fiend- an embodiment of evil itself. (Take that Shadow) Since we're the evil tribe.
    Lol basically... Now post for them!!!!

    And yes, the girl is the voice who is speaking to Domon. She is the conscious (like the cricket) of Gaia, but she has grown weak as Gaia has grown more corrupt. Dont give to much away though, I'll reveal who she is.

    And did you like my description of her? Could you picture what she looked like?
    Loki is sassy, selfish, and a trickster, though in truth he does care, he just stays silent about it, he also isnt doesnt get along with Genesis (and Loki is a large red fox)

    Genesis I assume is proud and protective. He is the serious type and prefers getting to work without distractions. Very noble. And doesnt get along with Loki (Genesis is a Lynx)
    Sorry, I thought it came off like that...

    Anyway, maybe the riddles could also lead you to discovering how to stop the destruction of the world... or maybe lead you tot he Druid
    Never read it, but Idk what being in multiple places would accomplish? Could you explain your train of thought a little more?
    Well I was thinking either A) we pull a Transformers and the Earth dies B)We somehow get Gaia to reconsider killing us. Cause there's no way we could kill Gaia. But we really dont have any set-in-stone plans, cause its a hard concept to bring to an end
    Lol I already lurked at it (that's not creepy at all)

    Anyway, so you are stucky trying to figure out who the voice is and how to come back to life?
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