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  • 1) I don't actually want the Kyurem, I'm doing this for lulz.
    2) 27
    3) Lapras. NEEDS MOAR MEGA
    4) BBW. If you don't know what it means, DO NOT GOOGLE.
    Just like I'm not looking at cannibal's "pussy pics" next to the screencaps of PPRNG >_>
    Those are awesome "pussy pics". I love how you knew I would know what you're talking about too :P
    BBW = Big Beautiful Woman on online dating sites.
    Big Blubbery Whale*
    1. Give me teh kyurem. Please?
    2. 69 hasn't failed me yet ;)
    3. Delibird (love me some Christmas)
    4. Yes. That bitch needs to fucking stop eating all of the damn ice cream

    P.S. you still owe me RNGed gligar from a previous giveaway you noob.
    i didn't know you wanted it >_____>
    pm me when we're both on [all the time]
    Bro, I always love free stuff (unless I already have it. Then, I just let another person have it ;)
    Getting OR and AS simply so I can soft reset both Lati twins (screw southern island and I don't care if they're roaming and can't be synced)
    Hey Lockstock, I just got down to breeding the shuppet, noticed the one you sent over is male, I asked for a female to breed for myself, may I have one?
    Female?I want to hatch it shiny, I have a quiet one with same spread as a parent, just too lazy to try and breed after 350 eggs
    I said female in my post. Quiet = useless? lol
    Yea, I saw that later, is it shiny?I have naive perfect on a male, and I can breed both, and get it, just too discouraged after awiec's 90 and my 350...Quiet happened coz of power belt breeding
    what spread are you getting for uxie? he's like my favourite pixie :D
    i have an impish one with uturn / yawn / stealth rock / knock off, and it is glorious :D
    I was actually doing an Impish one just like that >_>

    Would a careful one be a good idea at all? Not looking forward to RNGing it shiny cuz of the NPCs everywhere >__>
    Probably. And my impish one I got in a trade I mean. It won't be in my read or anything.
    Hi lockie ! I don't know if you managed to get a clone of clamperl but anyway, I will be online nearly all the day so just tell me when you want to trade ^^
    Sorry for the late reply, I had to dash just now. Thank you for the offer but I've got somebody with a Breloom safari now!
    No problem!
    Hey, would you like me to catch you the female Clamperl? I know you've been looking for a while. I wouldn't be able to get it until tomorrow though :)
    Hope you enjoy the Shuppet :D this clamperl will make an awesome shiny huntail!
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    Thanks for the Shuppet. You didn't have to do that (I did say it was free after all) :)
    Let me know if you ever need anything else! Pokemon, EV training etc
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    Love it, thanks! haha I figured that's what you were going for. matches the Gorebyss in your shop ;)
    Hey lockie have you captured Terrakion yet?I need it rnged
    Hey,if you don't mind may I take your old Avi?Seriously speaking,I dun even remember why I put psyduck here,he is one of my most hated pokes
    Lady Valkyrie
    Lady Valkyrie
    Do you want me to clone Drill and send him over?
    If you could,yes
    OK, I do indeed have a Love Ball female Clamperl. ONly one I have, so gimme a bit and I'll get a spitback off of her :P
    I meant friend ball :/
    Ooh, ok. xD
    I do not have then sorry
    That's fine, thanks anyway :)
    You wouldn't happen to have a Suicune now would you? Just realized no Pokeball next to it, wow.
    Lady Valkyrie
    Lady Valkyrie
    Nope, all good. Just evolved my Vullaby. Got the 718 pokemon ^^. Gonna hit up the professor for the Charm now, yay.
    Congrats! :)
    Lady Valkyrie
    Lady Valkyrie
    Shiny Charm is here! Just wanted to say thanks again for all your help. :)
    Hey lockie,
    I was wondering if you can RNG shaking spots or if you have any Drilbur's you can breed RNG?
    I'm hoping for an Iron Head Excradrill.
    Lady Valkyrie
    Lady Valkyrie
    Oh yeah, Shiny regular ball or whatever would be cool. Could you try and get it to have Sand Rush then? Stealth Rocks and Iron Head would be nice :).

    I won't trade it, just want it for my own use as Excadrill without Iron Head cries. Oh yeah, Adamant too? :)
    Sure, I can definitely breed abuse it, I looked it up and there appears to be no reliable way to RNG Dust Spots anyway as walking raises the frame too high :(
    So I'll do a:
    Drilbur [Shiny] - Adamant
    Sand Rush
    Tutor: SR and Iron Head

    OK? I'll have it done by tomorrow when I next have access to my PC. You can choose to clone a copy for arhan, as he expressed interest.
    Lady Valkyrie
    Lady Valkyrie
    Alright, thank you so much!
    Male or female is cool, I don't mind.
    Hey,I have a new RNG Request,you game for CPs?
    Shiny Female Gothita/Gothorita/Gothitelle whatever you can get it as,In luxury Ball,with Trick and any other tutor moves you find useful
    Ok,works for me as I can produce males for the quick ball versions that is ok,right?Also would you like a few leftover secret water type eggs I have?(I myself dunno what they are ;)
    nah it's OK, i'm online so fling me a request when ready
    Ever ready,you will get one since I need to be rid of them ;)
    I will be able to trade for the next few hours, wondering if you're available anytime today :)
    I hope you like that goomy! And I hope thee ridiculous wait doesn't put you off trading with me again, I'm really sorry about that :(
    Oh, and thanks for that chinchou :o i don't deserve your kindness >_>
    It's okay, I know it's not easy to breed a perfect HA mon, and It takes so many steps for a Gible to pop out of its egg >.>... Hope you like the Moon Ball Chinchou, it has 3EMs and iirc has at least 4 beneficial IVs :).
    Hey Lockie,

    Just confirming as I'm regoing through my thread and revamping things, those shinies that you let me take a copy of yours - do I have redi rights on them or are they simply for my own collection? Just asking for organization purposes. Either way is cool :).
    Hey man, how does it learn stealth rock? Thought it was the egg move for this guy
    haha dude, no joke I was looking at the wrong Gligar. I havetwo different ones. Thanks man this thing is awesome
    He should be:
    Gligar Luxury Ball
    Immunity Lv. 52
    Screech / X-Scissor / Stealth Rock / Tailwind

    If he's in a dream ball, I probably f-ed up and traded you my breeding on lol.
    Oh ok xD enjoy!
    Hey man just got back online. Hmu if find a free minute to trade; thanks again
    Never mind, got it from profile. Adding and coming online right now.
    Enjoy. It'll require EV training as I caught it straight out of the wild :)
    Thats awesome. Thanks alot man. This thing will be great on the team
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