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  • Nice ive been trying to get a Orc warrior up on the highest difficulty currently have completed it with a mage but that was at lowest difficulty so not much fun there =D
    Don't worry. I use a glitch too. I just abuse the shit out of the cloning glitch.

    Man, I sure wish I had "The Shivering Isles" for my 360...
    I'd suggest you ditch Security for Alteration, you can unlock a "Very Hard" lock with your skill at 6. Plus, they have shield spells, which in your case is needed, since wearing armor reduces the effectiveness your spells.
    This may be stupid, but what character do you play with?

    I play as a stealthy Wood Elf.
    Marksman, Acrobatics, Blade, Mysticism, Light Armor, Block, and Illusion are my skills.
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