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  • Hey dw about posting in the GP queue that stuff is ready to be 2/2ed, all the gpers know to post anyway :)
    you get cool points from me for armin van buuren nicknames
    ':] aw thnx, and good to know someone listens to his older albums
    avb is timeless.
    Tomorrow you can?
    i can't make it, unfortunately. earliest i can do it is thursday since we didn't play today. if it comes down to it this might end up in a coinflip; at any rate this post denotes that i did try to arrange a match :[
    we could also do it now (within the next 15 mins); i'm in the ps lobby as +malefic
    Hey, can you help me hatch a shiny? I was told you have SV: 1191
    FC: 0731 5039 7046
    IGN: Elmer

    please friend, for the trouble I have Elekid egg flabebe 5IV movement. Thank you.
    hey, dude, apparently I got a shiny egg that matches your shiny id. Sent you a PM. Hope you can help.
    hey we gotta play for no more legends, i'm gmt +2 but I can't play until the weekend. When do you wanna play then?
    i'm actually on right now and will be for the next few hours
    yeah problem is that deadline is today i'm gonna be available all day from now (except from 1-5 pm) until midnight GMT +1.
    what's your account name? i'm going off in about an hour's time and will be busy till wednesday p much. chances are there'll be an extension otherwise it's probably down to a coinflip
    tomorrow from 9am-9pm gmt-6
    , but tell me when u are on beforehand so I know to show up on PS.
    I couldn't find you on ps. Mind trying 9pm-10pm gmt-6 on Tuesday, or any other day of the week? If not, we can do this during the long weekend
    i'm swamped till the weekend so yeah weekend would be good
    i'll be on till about 10 am your time, hope we can do this today as next week is another busy one for me
    Ok i will be online you can find me on po or irc in #pokemon for all of tomorrow.
    Due to the lag of ps i can't stay on for a long period without battling

    Edit: i will be on grotto on po
    hi when do you want to play the Fuk ferrathorn tour.
    I will be able to play on most days next week.
    I can play on Friday and most of Saturday and Sunday.
    Man i got like no time left lets do This quickly ill be on on PS as u serious, i got to create the team fast cuz my laptop fucked up lol. Find me and chall me
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