Max. Optimizer
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  • Hi Max, looking for the following Smogon FB GA Pokémon as I didn't manage to deposit for them during their respective weeks: shiny Ho-Oh, Blacephalon and shiny Metagross. Was wondering if I could obtain them from you if you happen to have them?
    No problem at all, glad to be of help to my fellow users!
    Oh I didn't know you had the GA Ludicolo as well. I also missed out on that one. Do you mind if I deposit a Salandit on the GTS asking for it? If so, I've gone ahead and deposited a Lv 16 male Salandit in a Dusk Ball. Thanks!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Sent! Enjoy!
    Hi Max. Optimizer,

    I was resetting yesterday for a 0 atk iv Timid Lunala in a Beast Ball. I ended up with 30/0/31/31/31/31. I was wondering if you want a copy as thanks for helping me so often. You can even have full distribution right.
    Though I will only be able to trade this weekend and then have to focus on college exams.


    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Yes, I'm sure. Again, I highly appreciate the offer, but I'd feel bad for accepting it. I rather prefer giving to others than to receive from others. :)
    I respect your decision. Though I wouldn't lose anything if you were to make a copy for yourself (if you meant that by feeling bad for accepting). I would probably clone myself an army if the game I obtained it was Pokemon Emerald.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    It's alright. Let me know if you ever need it (or other Pokémon) cloned for a trade or a giveaway. I won't keep a copy for myself through. :)
    Hello again Max! It is ok to request cannibal's shiny Hitmontop from you? (I see that its free redi and looking one for a while)
    eyooo hmu when you can trade dude!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Alright, I'm heading online as well! Unfortunately I don't have the last 2. Also it's no trouble at all, you're always more than welcome. :)
    you rock, thank you! lmk if you want anything, gonna be updating my thread again
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    It's only natural to help a friend out. Also sure, I'm always interested in shiny Pokémon from VC games, I'll def. let you know whenever I need something.
    Hi Max. Optimizer,

    if you want, we can trade whenever you are available. I am here for more than an hour.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Alright, I'll be online in just a second. See you at the Festival Plaza! I'll send you the trade request.
    thx again. In case you have to reset a lonely Stakataka, the abra after reaching lv8 has exactly one point higher than 0 or 1 speed iv Lonely Stakataka.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    You're welcome, enjoy!
    I would have messaged earlier about help with my Pokedex, but the website went for four hours down right before I could... Still thought I'd message you ASAP anyway...
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    No problem, I even managed to find a Magmortar in my BOXes! If you want the shiny Ultra Beasts you can come back online and I'll trade you 2 free copies. I'm also going to host a giveaway next February for my 2 Year Anniversary during which I'll give away a shiny Timid Naganadel I soft-reset myself. Feel free to participate. :)
    I had to think about this because I like shinies that mean something to me, which means ones I caught myself, but the Kartana is awesome and can be a reminder of your kindness. Going back online fro the Kartana. Thanks a ton for offering!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    I got the Blacephalon and the Kartana from Bluemew.'s giveaway. However, they're fully redistributable. The Naganadel is mine though. Enjoy! :)
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