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  • np. i hate it when my laptop breaks lol anyway, i'll be on IRC all day.
    Hey are you still working on Rock Arceus or can I takeover and push it through GP?
    only that lmao, because symphony told me to do so and shut up i dont even have a single team anymore so yeah
    hi just logged in to say dick talk to me get facebook msn something i quit pokemon but i want to keep in touch
    with you
    I would have contacted you before, but i really didnt have the time. I'll be waiting then.
    Friday afternoon or saturday would be best. Saturday i'm avaliable most of the time though, so it should be easier to find each other (I'm GMT -3). Thursday is a little difficult for me. What about you?
    Hey, are you going to continue working on this at all? If not (or if you don't respond in a few days), I'll be passing it on to someone else. Thanks!
    Actually on second thought I need to nap then study for exams. I might be available to play later tonight, but don't count on it.
    if only you're here atm as I post this...

    Anyways, busy week. Battle me on Friday or Saturday? (Time TBD)
    hey do you plan on doing your 5th gen Uber analyses? If not ill give them to someone else.
    Hey Megan, Iconic's GP check on your Bug Analysis counts, so whenever you get the chance, you should implement it and then your Bug Analysis should be done.

    If you need any help with the Rock Arceus, let me know. Either myself or I could find someone to help you finish it.
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