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  • Well, it's 4 am for me and 1 pm for you...I stayed up late, hoping you'd sign on as it is your saturday afternoon to no avail. I'm going to take some sleeping pills right after I post this, and I'll be back on in about 8 hours from the time of this post. If you're not on then, I honestly don't see a way we are going to be able to get this done before the deadline.
    Just as well, I have a lot of irl stuff to do this week too. Which is why I wanted to get this done last weekend, but what can you do. Do note that Sat is the deadline this weekend, so please do try to get it done. I have a lot of stuff to do this weekend too, but I'll find an odd hour to get it done (something like 2 am for me 11 am for you or something.)
    Great, for the 2nd day in a row, I missed you by about 20 min. Next time, please check your inbox 1 more time before going to bed, lol. It's actually a 9 hour difference between us, it's 3 pm for me and midnight for you, so I guess you went to bed. We need to get this done soon as I have a lot of other stuff going on.
    Kay, fine by me. I'll aim for 3 PM tomorrow (9 your time), but I'm not certain I'll make it.
    I'll definitely be on sometime during that time tomorrow/Sunday, so we'll get it done.

    Good luck in advance!
    Well, I'm GMT -5, so it's a six-hour difference.

    I'd prefer to get it done someday between 3-4 PM my time (9-10 yours), but preferably the weekend after Christmas.
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