New Light
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  • When do you want to play for PU Gods Among Us?
    I'm free most every evening & all of Saturday. I'm GMT+1
    New Light
    New Light
    actually I'm utc -4. Got a bit confused with gmt vs utc and daylight savings time
    Sorry if I came across as rude in my last comment, didn't mean to.
    Anyway I'll be honest lad I just finished 11 hours of overtime work so I'm only going to bed now. I should be up roughly 7-8 hours after sending this but I don't wanna make any promises. I'll let you know when I'm online otherwise we'll sort something out haha.
    New Light
    New Light
    No worries. I know what it's like to be overworked. I almost posted something really confrontational myself.
    Hey mate. I'm free this weekend from 2-7 pm on either Saturday or Sunday Sydney time.
    Hey man! PU Official Room Tour Playoffs and we're matched up. Friday or Saturday works for me. I'm at GMT-6!
    New Light
    New Light
    Does 1 PM work for you?
    New Light
    New Light
    Or just HMU when you see me on. I'll check Showdown periodically until about 2:00. I have to leave after that but I'll be back around 6:00 or 7:00.
    I'm on now but only for about an hour and a half. We should be able to get our games in!
    Hello, we are paired for Roomtour playoffs semis. When are you available and what is your timezone? I'm GMT+2 (france) and should be able to play any evening ie between 6pm and 9 pm gmt+00. Tell me quickly when u can play so we find an arrangement!
    Don't hesitate to pm me if ever u see me online, I'm ready to battle :)
    New Light
    New Light
    How is the 18th? I can play at 9 pm gmt if that works for you.
    Hey man, we have to play for the PU Official Roomtour invitational playoffs, when do you wanna play? I'm EDT / UTC - 4. Today and Friday I can play from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. my time, Tuesday and Thursday 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 to 9:00 p.m., and Wednesday 3:30 to 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. Weekends I'm generally free from 10:00 to 10:00 p.m.
    Uh, that should be fine. One issue, though, is that I may be running a couple minutes, maybe around 15, late. Would that still be fine, or no? If there's a problem then we can try to fight another time.
    New Light
    New Light
    fine by me
    Great, I'll see you then.
    watching the years slip away from me, lacking the courage to grab hold and mold them to my liking
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