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  • Hey when are u free for uu open? I’m gmt-5 and should be fairly free Friday / weekend
    take the win bro im having a crazy week and i dont think i will be able to play tbh, gl next rounds
    sorry to hear that, thanks
    pu open, im gmt+2, do you want to play on friday or saturday around 9am-3pm EST?
    Ey bro sorry for answering so late, you can take the win im having a crazy week and dont think i can play, gl next rounds !
    yo gmt -7 avail any day after 11 am, prefer playing before weekend, but can play weekend if needed
    take the win i'm having such a crazy win i can't play, sorry for the inconvenience
    hey looks like you were subbed in for my Round 1 opponent in the NU open, Im GMT -6 and im on most night from 8PM to 12AM mon-fri and most of the day on the weekends, my PS! name is hyperboost, let me know what time is best for you to play our match
    Hi bro sorry for answering so late, this week is being so fucked up for me so i don't think i will be able to play, take the win and gl next rounds
    Aight sounds good
    Lc open, I'm gmt+2 and prefer to play before Tuesday, how about you?
    Ey bro sorry for answering so late, you can take the win im having a crazy week and dont think i cant play, gl next rounds !
    Alright, have a nice day
    can we play today 24pm gmt+1?
    what is the maximum time u can play before u go sleep?
    mm I think i can try, I'll be on before, but if you can only play that time I suppose it's ok. I'll be on smogtours as Own3y
    yo, we're both on now so did you feel like playing for the geodude tournament thing? i'm smogon's ps lobby as labyrinthine
    I'm just there as Own3y and I'm not seeing you ;[ chell when u get in
    when can we play for ost? im gmt -3, and you?
    i can play tuesday (tomorrow) between 22.00 and 24.00 if you want it later (gmt+1) :/ idk when is deadline btw D:
    well if you want we can play on friday night like 22.00-24.00 gmt+1 ?_?
    el poeta
    el poeta
    haha, soge♥owney
    Hey, i'm your opponent in the HPL on pokespain server. I'm more easily reached on smogon, which is why I contacted you here. I'm GMT -5, I can't play during the weekdays because I have classes, but i'm open during the afternoons (After 6 PM EST). I'm completely free Saturday. What works for you?
    D: D: D: D: I have just contacted you on pokespain :s

    ooookey, I'm gmt+1 but i can play usually all days. I really prefer playing on the weekend so we can try to fite a time for these days.
    Okay so we should plan to fight on Saturday. Anytime on Saturday should be fine, but i'd prefer to play 3PM-10PM EST. If you'd like to play earlier just let me know, it's not that big of an issue.
    Hi, I'm your opponent for Round 3 in Smog 10. I'm GMT +7, but I can only play past 6 PM on weekdays, and p. muuch free during weekends. When can you play?
    Do you think we can play at around 4 hours from now?
    No way, I need to teambuild new things, all my teams are banned (aka genesect use :( ) so i don't think so. If you don't mind I prefer to wait some days for teambuilding and then we can fit without any problems. :)
    Hi! We are paired for round 2 in the OST. I am GMT +2 and am available every evening durimg weekdays bc of a dayjob. Free in the weekends tho so that works too. What is your timezone and when can you play?
    Buddy it was just 15:00 in GMT +2. If I'm not mistaken, that's 14:00 your time, just as I said.
    Ok, forgot winter time in my rush. Doesn;t change the fact I asked free time at work, got home to battle you and trying to fix this shit. I'm sorry for mistaking the time, but it doesn't change the fact that we still have to finish our battle.
    I have 20 minutes from now, oriserver or let's see what ojama says, i don't mind.
    Hi we are paired for the team tourney, when do you want to play? I am gmt +0 and can play most afternoons and evenings.
    Knight of Cydonia
    Knight of Cydonia
    Yeah i can play tonight what time were you thinking of? I am available all night now.
    in an hour for example? Maybe in an hour or and hour and a half im not sure. Thanks bro
    Knight of Cydonia
    Knight of Cydonia
    Ok I'll have dinner and go on smog tour server on ps in an hour. See you there.
    Sorry dude, my internet was fucking with me and I was only able to see your post on my phone, couldn't play, also where would I f ind you, you never said that.
    Oriserver, in an hour if possible, I need to teambuild still, (facing mcmeghan in sky battles so I'm really focusing on that) and I have a ubers tournament atm. I'll be ban swirlix
    Perfect, at 21.15 gtm+1 I'll be there. I have to study for exams tomorrow but I suppose I can still wait till 21.30-21.45
    Well I'm a bit hurried, I can only still on till 21.15 gtm+1 (Half an hour from now), if we don't see each other we can schedule another time :s
    hey we are opponents for team tourney. i'm gmt+1 and pretty flexible with when i can play. When do you prefer playing?
    hey in 2 mins i ll be on main server PO,nick Dnt, pm when rdy :)
    k forgot it was on ps
    im there with the nick SL_Dante
    yea man i'm gmt -5 and i'm on all the time pretty much. maybe we can play this weekend if that's ok with you? you can choose a time.
    yo I'm gmt+1,this weekend I'm a bit busy but it's ok, I have to work on the computer so I can play anyways. I'm available to play mm maybe from 21.00 to 24.00 on staurday is ok? In my timezone :c
    bro fist
    bro fist
    works for me, see you then
    im available 7-10pm (gmt+13) tomorrow, and i think im available from 1pm onwards the day after, so if you can name a time in there and hopefully we can get this done
    okay, I'm gmt+1 so 10 pm for you (22.00) is... like 10 am for me lol I think i can be here that our but I'll have to miss class, I hope we can get this done lol.
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