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  • Pinkacross
    I prefer the Sinistcha version, Scarf Hrott is a bit iffy on HO. I would also replace Ceruledge, I believe that set is unviable. If you do want to keep it, replace Poltergeist for CC.
    I also hope you can use one of this teams in your videos :D
    Jokes aside, this is quite well built. I don't think Avalugg is viable but this team utilizes it quite well. I would go Darts on pult though over Draco, since you're running a Sub set.
    I don’t really get volcanion running wisp over taunt, especially with a second wisp’er already being there
    Perhaps go Twave on pult
    I've been watching BKC vids about what separates a good stall team from the bad ones is the 'agression' that its capable of to choke out its opponents. But what separates a good HO team from a bad one aside from breaking ability?
    Lots of things separate good and bad HO. How well sweepers segue into one another, how consistent the leads are, how well unfavorable are accounted for, how many breaking sweepers vs sweeping sweepers, etc.
    Hey Pinkacross, tried my hand at team building again, this time around banded Samurott-H, what do you think? Any advice? any suggestions? Thanks!
    I'll give that a shot, but I do like the pure power of raging bolt, do you think maybe an air balloon or lefties heatran over moltres and defog on corv would fit?
    It could? Defog corv is really not ideal alongside Hrott though. I'd advise against it, but give it a test and see how it goes
    I added great tusk and the havent really lost a game since. Thanks for the advice!
    Hi Pinkacross, would you rate this team of mine?
    I'm kinda struggling against HOs, especially Zamazenta HOs, so any advice to deal with that?
    I'd say this team has too much power. Not that too much power in itself is a problem, but it indicates that you've let down other areas, in this case sweeper management and speed. Ogerpon-W + CB Dnite is definitely enough on the power side, so try Scarf Trick Darkrai instead-- this is GREAT against HO. I would also recommend Tera Ghost, as you can Tera Ghost and Trick Zamazenta.
    Tera Ghost Alomomola is a great backup Zamazenta check as well, it completely shuts it down.
    Hey your videos have helped me learn gen 9 as I'm getting back into competitive Pokemon but my main issue is that I struggle with making teams especially defensive ones. I just add one or two pokemon to my builder and then I'm completely lost. Do I just have go learn through trail and error or is there something I'm missing?
    Hey man! I appreciate the advice you gave me on my last team, and even though i ended up not sticking with the same team, it helped open up my mind to another teambuilding idea. How's this team look ? My hardest matchups so far have been stall and Wogerpon, though i'm not exactly sure if the former is a team oissue or a skill issue. Love ya content!
    Wow I like this team quite a lot! This looks very very strong honestly. I would definitely recommend sticking with Raging Bolt, but since you're pairing it with Meowscarada I think you'll have more success with a Volt Switch variant. As for the Ogerpon-W issues, you could slap Tera Grass on a bunch of random stuff, but honestly you don't look super weak to it.
    Another option is dropping IDef on Skarm for Brave Bird, your Gambit MU would probably be OK. Good luck with the team! :]
    Oh wow thanks!! Which mons do you think would handle the tera grass better, and what set do you recommend for raging bolt exactly?
    This looks decent, although your Kingambit matchup concerns me. Tusk is your removal, your hazard setter, and your sole Kingambit answer all in one slot. Perhaps run Encore on Ogerpon and/or Wisp on Dragapult (over Pyschic Fangs) to ease this problem.
    Hello! Pinkacross I’ve just watched your live team building video and it turns out i’ve been doing it all wrong this whole time (I build a defensive core first then add the offense in later) so I’ve tried building a team for the 1400-1600 OU range and I would like you opinion on it.
    Gzap is a sick idea, I may build it myself soon. I like the Gzap + Gking core, not a fan of the Gking set though. It's far too slow to use Taunt effectively, go Toxic instead. I'd go with a +SpDef nature as well. The rest of the team goes downhill a bit though, it's too slow and you're extremely weak to Kyurem.
    No Dragon resist is also not going to work, I would recommend running SR + Spin on Tusk (run Jolly Tusk btw) and go Kingambit over Garganacl.
    Hey there pinkacross, I took a break from showdown and recently came back to GEN 9 OU. I am sitting around 1600 elo but i’ve been using only posted teams (my team building skills are trashhh)
    I saw some of your videos and decided to make a team myself. Hopefully you can give me improvements on this team
    Also thanks for the feed back I really appreciate it. This really is my first time team building in Gen 9, glad to see that its solid.
    (also proves how useful your videos are, keep it UP!)
    Ok after further testing, thunder wave helped for sure, and it seems like i was just playing bad because ive been winning against HO and offensive teams more. I probably was not used to the team.
    Nice! Hope it continues to go well! :]
    This is certainly not bad! My main concern is that you can't break stall. That's a difficult problem to retroactively fix, but perhaps you could replace Primarina for Glowking, replace Ogerpon for Kingambit, and make Rillaboom CB? To be honest though, it may be worth rebuilding.
    The first thing I recommend establishing on any balanced team is a really solid breaking core, which you lack.
    I might consider running Band Rillaboom again to give the team more power, though Prima's presence might be more difficult to give up over Glowking (even if G-King is better for the team)
    I'm in the process of testing a different team built around Wellspring, but renovations and other obligations are making difficult to get games.
    Hey Pinka, just a tiny question about teambuilding which has bugged me since forever. How do you know what types of support a team appreciates? I know more obvious ones (hazards, screens, weather, grassy terrain, etc.), but less obvious ones have me stumped (wish, healing wish, and aromatherapy specifically). If you take the time to respond, thanks! If not, I understand.
    Hey there, getting into comp and I tried my hand at building a team around latios, i am extremely novice. What do you think? any suggestions? Im sure it can be improved immensely. Thanks!
    Well, your Latios should have Aura Sphere, currently it has 3 moves which is never ideal. I also don't see a central goal to your team, the pokemon you've added seem a bit random and the Primarina feels out of place. Still, this is definitely a great first team, nicely done! :]
    I would recommend building around Latios again, but this time considering partners that work well with Latios on many levels (pokemon that can switch in on the things that revenge kill Latios, such as Darkrai, Iron Valiant, and Dragapult, things with pivot moves to help latios enter, etc.)
    Thanks for the advice! im not knowledgable enough to do a serious building like you recommended rn unfortunately but i'll take what you said into consideration. Might just steal a team and ladder
    Hey Pinkacross, I'm trying to dial in on learning to build balance so I can start playing tours. I can't expect you to teach the whole process of building balance in a comment, but can you help me with the first step of making a breaking core? What types are there and what is the thought process behind them? Thanks in advance boss. See my most recent attempt at building
    A pivot has switching moves to help get stuff in (uturn, flip turn, volt switch, chilly reception, etc.)
    Gotcha boss and is the pick typing based? Like am I looking for something that resists ival weaknesses or does that not matter
    Well it definitely matters what the pivot specifically does on a team. If you're looking for a pivot that helps with Ival, go with Glowking
    Hello Pinka. I haven't built HO at all in Gen 9, so I wanted to try making one after thinking about SP Latias. I'd like some of your thoughts on this team.
    Looks solid on first glance, give it a go and see how it does! :]
    It's going well, but that's probably because I'm still at Low Elo. I'm just iffy about the 4th slot on Moon
    I think I'm probably going to just keep Taunt
    Hello Pinka, If you don't mind me asking, if I'm building with Dragapult as the main focus of my team, what are the important things it needs from its teammates?
    Depends, what Dragapult set? That changes things a lot
    Probably the Boots set
    That fits on a lot of playstyles, my favorite of which would be hazard stack
    Is there a good resource for delineating the differences between team archetypes? Stuff like stall or HO is pretty easy to identify, but what separates bulky offense from balance? Or even the line between 'standard' offense vs HO?
    There is no hard line between bulky offense and balance. There IS a hard line between offense and HO. HO is the only playstyle that sacks pokemon as part of the standard gameplan, Stall is the only playstyle that gives up on breaking in favor of walling, but everything in the middle operates under the same fundamental principle.
    Everything from bulky balance to offense utilizes walls to enable more offensive pokemon to make progress, this is the basic gameplan of everything other than Stall and HO. No major line between bulky offense and balance, or balance and offense, just general terms used to express what percentage of the team is frail and/or offensively inclined.
    Hey Pinkacross, I was wondering for when building Balance/bulky balance how necessary steel types are - I usually view steels as mandatory but I wanted to see how valid this was.
    Obviously mons like clefable and the metal birds are good knock absorbers too, but I was wondering if other mons would count like garganacl or ting lu; i know these mons struggle when losing lefties though.
    A Knock absorber is a pokemon that is OK with tanking a Knock Off from common Knock Off users, and doesn't mind having its item removed. Good examples are Gliscor, Corviknight, Skarmory, and Clefable. Ting-Lu and Garganacl hate having their item removed so they are not considered knock off absorbers.
    This doesn't mean it's NEVER a good idea to let them take a Knock Off of course, just that you shouldn't count on them to do so when building
    so far in playtesting i've struggled with iron valiant and walking wake a lot. gliscor has been somewhat of a problem but i can deal with him more easily than the other two mons.
    Here is the full description of my team if you want to give it a read. Sorry its a lot but I'm just super excited to get into this and want to make the best team I can:
    I'm having trouble determining what to fix, since I can't really find a central goal of your team. Is the idea to be a hazard stack? It seems like a combination of pokemon that suit one another defensively but I don't see a lot of offensive synergy.
    or you could run ID press Crunch Roar set yourself, and phase them out (make sure to be faster than most ID zama spreads)
    Over Thinker
    Over Thinker
    Thanks for the feedback! I think I'll try running tera ghost on Lando as I think my Zama being more offensive works better on the team. Plus, tera ghost on Lando allows me to spin block more often. I think I'll also run flamethrower on Glowking to help against Zama as I haven't needed to use sludge bomb that often.
    Sounds like a good plan! And yes fthrow will help with that as well!
    It's definitely not a terrible team and it CAN work but it feels random and has a decent bit of problems, for instance you'll get absolutely destroyed by hstack
    Abusing hamurott spike stack with latios and weavile , spin block with sinistcha and heatran to lure and trap primarina , alomomola ( with grass tera blast ) , slowking , gliscor and to an extent raging bolt . covert cloak for garganacl salt cure bcuz that has given me some issues . I do have issues with gambit for which I intend to run ID corv over mola but I have not tested that yet .
    Yea Gambit is definitely a massive issue here, you could try Low Kick Weavile or Will-O-Wisp on Heatran to help.
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