Princess Emily
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  • Well lol you can't really blame me... right? Now that I look back, I stirred up a lot of drama / trouble didn't I? Guess past is past. I'm not even sure why I find myself migrating back to this site. Maybe it's sheer boredom because I'm on spring break. Pokemon just lost its color for me. But I'm sure in a couple years I'll be in that retro mood and try playing yellow or something again.
    Yep. RNGing thundurus is harder than I thought. I will post it on Pokecheck so you guys can see it. When I get it, of course :P The mods are going to be furious ;)
    "...kinda boring since Red got busy with his new life, ditching his old moody self =P"

    wait what

    didn't he die? what did i miss
    I wish I can get back into pokemon, but I've been so busy :/
    Don't know if its worth getting a 3DS if I can't RNG on it :(
    Yeah, I was using BABA's avatar as a one year anniversary and when I went to change it back, I lost the photo from Spore. >.<
    Oh sorry! I've been so busy lately...

    I'm good, how are you? :)

    It's good. I finally beat it. Although, I can't RNG on it anymore because my DS Lite broke :(
    It's been going well. I'm in my second semester in college. I haven't played pokemon for over a year now lol, I don't think I even know where my cartridge went. I heard about PX / PY already and I'm debating on getting it or not. What about you?
    You are batshit insane. Wifi is not a perfect science, I'm sorry my wifi went, but please offload your insecurities somewhere else.
    It's intentional, and a theory mostly, lol. It's not nearly as bad as what they've done to the other stars, notably Jupiter and Moon.
    Sailor Moon Abridged. It's basically a lot of the series taken out of context and messed with and what not. It's pretty great in my opinion. SMA Ami is a loooooot quieter to the point where she's practically whispering, and seems to be losing brain cells with each passing episode. She is sadly the most mocked of the stars because of her reliance on bubbles.
    When I send you an invitation. And you got one. :)

    I'm sorry that I haven't been on smogon for a while. I've been busy with school.
    I love Ami too, especially SMA Abridged Ami. Maybe not one of my favorite characters but still somewhere up there :3
    lol I don't think you want my IV calc its really bad compared to some of the newer ones out there. If you really do want it I can grab it off of my old hard drive since the download is obviously dead at this point :D
    aww that sucks, I honestly don't even know where all my calculators went. I miss them, so many fun games to kill time in school xD
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