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  • Hey, I just found out that emerald does work for the HG/SS games when you're trying to trying to hit your delays in RNG abuse. :)

    I think the reason why the emerald didn't work in the first place because probably either it was used before it was sent to the gamestop or because it's old.
    Hey RockinX, Don't you still have that 3rd gen. Careful Cleffa/Clefable with your OT?

    The one that Umbreon has on the thread that he is sharing with Entei the swift?
    Hey RockinX, Do you know how many Frame Points does using a fishing rod on HG/SS advance the frame?
    Anyway, I can do some BPs. What BP do you want to do for me for the Qwilfish? Thanks! :)
    Hey RockinX, How do I hit an even frame on platinum when i'm trying to rng abuse a Regice?
    Hi again! I just want to ask if you have the egg version of OD's Manaphy? Thanks! :)
    Didn't i owe you a rematch cuz of that battle we had..?
    Well, i have your warning in mind...
    Thanks, i actually will probobly not list it in my thread then
    Question: can english games have a japanese OT?
    Yeah, but i got it Legit checked, and it checks out fine, my man from Neoseeker says
    Thanks for the heads up, though.
    I 'ave heared its possible... To have a japanese game and get NN a Englush name.
    And lol i already have a timid gaurdevoir.

    Mettalica has a tri attack togepi i want, and he wants me to LC my wish ralts. Its an event
    Ohhhh okay. Hmmm well I'm definitely excited for the new versions since they come out in march :).

    And ohhh okay thanks! I'll just look around and see if I can find anybody who may have them.
    Wouldn't Kabutops be the first to attack if he used Aqua Jet with max evs in speed plus Adamant nature in rain even with that new ability in 5th gen?

    Also speaking of the 5th gen, would you happen to know where I can find a Roopushin, washibon, and Doreida?
    GG to you too dude! It was close. I thought chan had Mach Punch O_O and I definitely should've predicted the ghost on the Kaboooming.
    My Kabutops is Adamant. I'm afraid to use a jolly one =O
    I really really didn't want to stall. My thought process was: Switch him in take the fighting attacking. Finish you off. Switch in my harmonia to take the fake out and then death fodder it to finish off the game.
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