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  • Blue Kirby I think. Im in the Aussie Smogoners Social Group, so I think he changed their avatars. Something about that Bidoof Avatar Invasion MK1 I think
    Meh I don't care about UUs. The only one I'd write about is... Alakazam.

    Copy + Paste current analysis :P.
    Reason: forgot some stuff thanks sm64 but jeez you aren't my mother :)

    Except you forgot the fact that Timid > Modest on Rotom-w and that it should be Rotom-h with Overheat for Lucario because being Pursuit-bait lets Empoleon set up.

    Also he's not using special attacks so there's no reason to use Hasty.
    awww, well, good luck <3 i hope i can catch you and stathykins, should be an entertaining match :D
    awesome, this makes me really happy! I'll have to try to catch Taylor's matches :) are you in st6?
    I am indeed! There's a big surge of Shaymin users lately, in particular husk, Earthworm (I made him and then he decided it was good), and Jimbo, plus you :D
    hey man, i haven'y been really active because im loosing interest in the game....

    happy you liked my avy, i know it's awesome
    Haha, dude no problem, because in all honesty, it seemed to have required a fair amount of thought and testing; I saw you had done that.

    And the sprites are your choice xD I just think Tyranitar looks retarded (and he's my 2nd fave pokemon tied with Heracross), but Metagross basically is 4 pillars w/ spikes and a brainy-shaped head in the middle of them all, so that one's accurate. But, DPP's Tyranitar sprite makes Tyranitar look fierce while HGSS's Tyranitar sprite makes him look like a demented giraffe that's happens to be green with a purple tummy.

    lol, rant.
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