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  • I saw the post on Blackhawke's wall you made. Misty tells me a few people that have no badge have custom user titles because they answered all the quiz questions in the Smog first and correctly. Each Smog has one (except for the latest).
    hopefully the counter bliss set will go up. I was origonally planning to do a jirachi (which is now mixrachi) and counter bliss set but i just didn't think my english was up for it. mind you last time i used counter blissey was back in the days of garchomp.
    i saw your counter bliss set and i am impressed that someone has actually posted and done such a good job at it too well done.
    when i cant think of anything i name stuff after bots.

    gyara -> KARPBOT
    bliss -> EGGBOT

    And yea, but I'm implementing the arguments everyone gives me ("He's extinct, why worry? I won't change a thing just for him!") and throw it back at them. Besides, I do have more than two ways to stop Electivire: Roserade outspeeds the standard MixVire, and can sleep it, which lets TTar or Gyarados set up and KO before he can do anything; or Gengar can Protect, let Toxic build, and Shadow Ball, whick KOs him usually. Either way he's taken care of, essentially.
    haha. Thanks! I'm not even sure what I'm going to do. Probably just post in the C&C forums like I always am. =P
    yeah, I'm popping back for some mafia games I've been looking forward to for a very long time, so it's a brief return :)
    but you cant be mad at him for showing his beliefs.

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