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  • So... in exchange for these, could I get you to do a BP or two?

    I'm ready now if you are.
    I can get you those (Clean Scale, 3 Choice Bands, 3 Choice Scarves, and 3 Life Orbs.) I'm sure. What's a clean scale?
    I'd love a copy of your BLOSSOM :) Would it be possible to nickname her Blossom for me? Also does she happen to have Drain Punch? Its okay if she doesn't, I think it's gen 4 only
    I've got a Venipede in my Pokecheck box if you'd like him. :) If you're against Pokecheck I could trade for him. He's got 3 31's and pretty good egg moves. :D
    Still need this?

    "Edit: Can anyone spare me a Modest Sync? I'm having trouble finding one myself. :I"
    Hey I can get you a Tauros, but can you do me a favor and make an RNG one like this?
    Ideal IVs if possible.

    If not, I'll still see about getting you a Tauros. If so, VM me when it's ready.
    I have Tauros in 5th gen
    Tauros lvl.19/ Intimidate / Adament Nature
    - Horn Attack
    - Scary Face
    - Pursuit
    - Rest

    You need/ want it ?
    I have some DW female poliwags for trade...do you happen to have any of these female DW pokemon:

    Uhh...actually, I was also asking where your shop is.
    Can't see it.
    Is it in your sig?

    BTW, I think I have a 31/x/31/30/31/31 Modest HP Electric female Poliwag, DW ability of course...still in the egg, and shiny :]
    Hey, I have a DW Female Bagon
    What can you offer?
    Im looking for Other Female DW pokemon or Pokemon with Max Ivs
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