I had no idea you changed your favorite Pokemon so much XD. I remember when you talked so highly about Lucario, then Hydreigon, and now Landorus. Anyways, Sceptile is my favorite "non-competitive Pokemon" even though he wrecks shop in RU and even UU. Breloom is my all around favorite competitive Pokemon because of his POWERRR and how versatile he is. I feel like I'm the only one that still uses his Technician Focus Punch set. Me and Nielel were one of the first users of it, and a lot of people think it sucks. It's quite the opposite. Spore, then Focus Punch on the switch. One of those kind of strategies that looks bad on paper, but quite effective in battle. I also still have fun using his SubPunch set, which is quite rare nowadays. Breloom always seems to make his way onto my teams.