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  • hey could i get the ice zapados from the giveaway if you have time??? thanks so much!!!

    my fc is: 4168 9223 6025

    thanks again!!!
    If you can I would like to receive the Latias from Ragnar's contest, so if that works great, if not then I will contact you another time.
    31. Bluecaptain (Latias)
    32. Shiny Clamperl (Latias)
    33. Mastadi (Zapdos Grass)
    34. WeezingFTW (Moltres Grass)
    36. FbO (Latias)
    37. HotDave (Latias)
    38. Gahagan (Zapdos Ice)
    39. lukaszkond (Latias)
    40. Defense (Latias)
    41. Midnight Moon~ (Latias)
    42. Geezar10 (Latias)
    43. JeffreyLebowski (Moltres Ice)
    44. Iron-Man (Latias)
    45. A e t h e r (Moltres Grass)
    46. DarkCry (Latias)
    47. KingEmpoleon (Moltres Grass)
    48. deathsreturn (Zapdos Ice)
    49. Pokethan (Zapdos Ice)
    50. wowgek7 (Moltres Grass)
    1. Varment (Zapdos Ice)
    3. RubyPikachu (Moltres Ice)
    4. Gonzo206 (Zapdos Ice)
    6. ----- (Latias)
    7. Spoit (Latias)
    9. Timeneon (Moltres Ice)
    10. twigadee (Zapdos Ice)
    11. TellTeller (Latias)
    12. Kobe MVP (Moltres Grass)
    14. Xav (Zapdos Grass)
    15. Giorgosss (Moltres Grass)
    18. Indragon (Zapdos Ice)
    19. ShinyAzelf (Moltres Grass)
    20. Musica (Latias)
    21. Renosaur (Zapdos Ice)
    22. dragonboy52 (Moltres Grass)
    24. Jorals (Latias)
    26. dragonite12342 (Zapdos Ice)
    27. Lawliett (Zapdos Grass)
    29. ErukaMarx (Zapdos Ice)
    Thanks again for distributing! Here are the list of winners, so pick 10 and distribute as necessary. :)
    Hey, if you can distribute, that would be great! For my thanks, you'll receive a copy of every Poke in the giveaway. :)
    also any NN? i will not do a hatch location as it is a shit ton harder when you cant RNG
    no worries you dont needto repay me. will do it for free. it should be done by thu-fri, weekend max.
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