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  • oh thank you i was wondering how to get pokes on my file ill try one of those methods :)
    I can be on this weekend on sunday is good for me.
    hello mantyke i was thinking of using your modest latios for vgcs but realized when I got it it had that ribbion. I had no idea it would show up as sketchy. Let me know if you can trade for it also if I just release the pokemon my white file should be fine correct?
    Hey, would you be willing to help me obtain 3 Pokemon that I'll need for the upcoming VGC? (the other three I can breed myself :3)
    I forgot too, which is part of the reason this break has been so awesome

    Of course, the week before classes start back reality sets in ;_;
    yeah, I thought of using that, but I was hesitant to upload a pokemon, especially my only shiny. I'll try that if I become desperate, thanks!
    Hello sir, I was never informed of whether I won your giveaway. Sorry if this is against the rules of yours, my curiosity got the best of me :)
    Hey Mantyke do I have you on steam? I'd like someone else to compare my small but growing number of Sonic Generations time trial records too. Add Layell or 58672 if you don't have me already.
    Well, I only use a regular game and I don't know how a .pkm file works, so if you could trade with me I would really appreciate. Thanks!
    Hi, I won a Spinda on your giveaway, but I couldn't received the prize.. We and Gothic Togekiss couldn't trade due to communication failures and ZaChAttAch never answered when I VM'd him... I was wondering if I could still get it.
    hey bby

    this guy named Mod was telling random users he's gonna ban them

    Mod "Username: Edison prepared to be banned in half an hour."
    its k, but chikmagnet just fits so well @_@

    also its en memoriam of my boss magneton my sister and i trained to level 80+ on gold (fuckin boss man he had hp ice as well)

    EDIT: also its level 39 so that wouldnt work anyway lol
    Frogtoad from Pokecheck here. Mind if I distribute the pkm file of the Spinda on Pokemonblogger? I'll give you credit on the link.
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